To build and run this app locally you will need:
- Install Node.js
- Nodemon - server auto-restarts when code changes
- Koa v2
- TypeORM (SQL DB) with basic CRUD included
- Swagger decorator (auto generated swagger docs)
- Class-validator - Decorator based entities validation
- Cron jobs prepared
- koa-router
- koa-bodyparser
- Winston Logger
- JWT auth koa-jwt
- Helmet (security headers)
Clone the repository
Install dependencies
cd <project_name>
npm install
- Run the project directly in TS
npm run watch-server
- Build and run the project in JS
npm run build
npm run start
- Run integration or load tests
npm run test:integration
npm run test:load
Create a .env file (or just rename the .example.env) containing all the env variables you want to set, dotenv library will take care of setting them. This project is using three variables at the moment:
- PORT -> port where the server will be started on, Heroku will set this env variable automatically
- NODE_ENV -> environment, development value will set the logger as debug level, also important for CI. In addition will determine if the ORM connects to the DB through SSL or not.
- JWT_SECRET -> secret value, JWT tokens should be signed with this value
- DATABASE_URL -> DB connection data in connection-string format.
TypeScript itself is simple to add to any project with npm
npm install -D typescript
If you're using VS Code then you're good to go!
VS Code will detect and use the TypeScript version you have installed in your node_modules
For other editors, make sure you have the corresponding TypeScript plugin.