This is the link to my published article:
The following provides a list in the format 'filename: content':
A_short_story_on_the_factors_why_companies_fail.ipynb: Contains the story and plotted graphs
Part_I_Webscrapping_wordcloud_wordcounts.ipynb: Contains procedures to webscrape, process and plot data
Part_II_Crunchbase_EDA.ipynb: Contains procedures process and plot data
Wordcloud_plot.ipynb: Plots wordcloud (seperate environment for wordcloud library required)
Compile_data_files.ipynb: Script which compiles crunchbase data into a single file 'Failed_StartUps_2000_2019.csv'
Failed_StartUps_2000_2019.csv: Contains CrunchBase data for companies that have failed (this data can and shall only be used for non commercial purposes)
Obituaries_of_failed_companies.csv: Obituaries from cbsinsights. Contains all 311 final statements after a company fails.