These scripts are for doing studies on the ntuples made by the ZeroLeptonRun2 factory. I think you'll find some of these to be very simple to use and dive into, so feel free to use/contribute if you find it useful for your own studies.
Many of these require SampleHandler and an ASG setup
rc find_packages
rc compile reads in an example region defined by a bunch of cuts and uses MultiDraw to produce plots in that region for whatever variables you want, N-1 plots, and a cutflow plot. This also crudely scales and hadds everything together so that you can just plot the final histograms in the output root files.
The scripts in the optimization folder also use SH to easily create trees to hand to TMVA and is set to run a cut optimization currently.
There is additionally a plottingScripts folder which has my plotting scripts used on the output files from This uses rootpy and matplotlib so those are dependencies for these scripts.
If you're in an ATLAS environment, you can do
localSetupSFT --cmtConfig=x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt pytools/1.8_python2.7,pyanalysis/1.3_python2.7,lapack/3.4.0,blas/20110419
which setups up matplotlib/numpy/etc. On lxplus, you can follow the instructions here:
Or if you want to install rootpy on your own computer, it can be a pain to make sure that python versions are carried through correctly, so these instructions are a bit handy: