Goal: To make an API to fetch the latest videos sorted in reverse chronological order of their publishing date-time from YouTube for a given tag/search query in a paginated response.
The backend Flask server asynchronously calls the yt-API to fetch the latest videos in reverse chronological order, stores them in the database, and we can access the resources by starting the app and heading over to a route like http://localhost:5000/videos?page=3&per_page=10
, that is paginated.
- Added support for supplying multiple API keys so that if quota is exhausted on one, it automatically uses the following available key.
- The dashboard lets you view the stored videos with pagination on the front end.
- Docker and requrirements.txt included, so no time and extra dependency cluster to be faced while setting up locally.
- Added pdAdmin support, to visualize and query the db on the go.