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Title Added Status Last reviewed
Task Details component

Shows the details of the task ID passed in as input.

Basic Usage


Class members


Name Type Default value Description
debugMode boolean false Toggles debug mode.
fieldValidators FormFieldValidator[] [] Field validators for use with the form.
readOnlyForm boolean false Toggles read-only state of the form. All form widgets render as read-only if enabled.
showChecklist boolean true Toggles Checklist feature for the Header component.
showComments boolean true Toggles Comments feature for the Header component.
showFormCompleteButton boolean true Toggles rendering of the Complete outcome button.
showFormRefreshButton boolean true Toggles rendering of the Refresh button.
showFormSaveButton boolean true Toggles rendering of the Save outcome button.
showFormTitle boolean false Toggles rendering of the form title.
showHeader boolean true Toggles task details Header component.
showHeaderContent boolean true Toggles collapsed/expanded state of the Header component.
showInvolvePeople boolean true Toggles Involve People feature for the Header component.
showNextTask boolean true Automatically renders the next task when the current one is completed.
taskId string (required) The id of the task whose details we are asking for.


Name Type Description
assignTask EventEmitter<void> Emitted when a task is assigned.
claimedTask EventEmitter<string> Emitted when a task is claimed.
error EventEmitter<any> Emitted when an error occurs.
executeOutcome EventEmitter<FormOutcomeEvent> Emitted when any outcome is executed. Default behaviour can be prevented via event.preventDefault().
formCompleted EventEmitter<FormModel> Emitted when the form is submitted with the Complete outcome.
formContentClicked EventEmitter<ContentLinkModel> Emitted when the form field content is clicked.
formLoaded EventEmitter<FormModel> Emitted when the form is loaded or reloaded.
formSaved EventEmitter<FormModel> Emitted when the form is submitted with the Save or custom outcomes.
taskCreated EventEmitter<TaskDetailsModel> Emitted when a checklist task is created.
taskDeleted EventEmitter<string> Emitted when a checklist task is deleted.
unClaimedTask EventEmitter<string> Emitted when a task is unclaimed.


Custom 'empty Task Details' template

By default the Task Details component shows a simple "No Tasks" message when there are no details. You can change this by adding the a custom HTML template as in the following example:

<adf-task-details [taskId]="taskId">
             <h1>Sorry, no tasks here</h1>
             <img src="example.jpg">

Note that you can use any HTML content in the template, including other Angular components.