Hiru is courageous boy who is recovering from a brain injury with severe damage to the motor cortex. This project aims to help him communicate during the rehabilitation. The content is uploaded with his and parents consent. For more information read:
- In a moment a young life was shattered
- Dedicated staff at Neuro-trauma unit bring new hope to shattered bodies
Psychtoolbox scripts to present visual cues to select basic needs (Itching, Water, Toilet, TV) with a press of a button on the keyboard:
- Psychtoolbox_InfLoop.m
- Psychtoolbox_LoopWithKBTiming.m
AutoHotKey scripts to define keyboard commands
- AHK_enable_mouse.ahk
- AHK_keydiff.ahk
OpenBCI through LSL
- Initialise_lsl_openbci.bat
- ReceiveData_openbci.m
- ReceiveData_keyboard.m
- ReceiveData_video.m
- Data_EOGKbVdAud.xdf
- Data_EOGKbVdAud.asf (sychronized video)
Qt keyboard
- /platforms/qminimal.dll
- /platforms/qminimald.dll
- /platforms/qoffscreen.dll
- /platforms/qoffscreend.dll
- /platforms/qwebgl.dll
- /platforms/qwebgld.dll
- /platforms/qwindows.dll
- keyboard.exe
- libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
- libstdc++-6.dll
- libwinpthread-1.dll
- Qt5Core.dll
- Qt5Gui.dll
- Qt5Widgets.dll
- Misc_mouse_pressing.mp4 (testing motor control of fingers to press the mouse button)
- Misc_typing_skills_Hiru (using the virtual keyboard)
- Misc_instructions_ACTA.txt (ACAT keyboard was used to assess the suitability https://01.org/acat)