This is the manuscript for (L)earn Bitcoin - Become Financially Sovryn 1st Edition, June 2021
The book was released July 23, 2021.
Author: Anita Posch
Publisher: PoshMedia e.U., Seilerstaette 24, 4. Stock, 1010 Wien
Editor: Mark Kersley
Typesetting: Couper Street Type Co.
Cover Design/Art Direction: tzu jan | 自然
Illustration Concept Sketch: @danubastidas
Illustration: Maleek Illustration
Hand Lettering: Mila Masina
Copyright 2021 by Anita Posch, all rights reserved.
You are welcome to share parts of the book in media articles, on your personal website, in a commercial article or blog post (e.g., Medium), and/or on a personal social media account, provided that you include attribution to "Anita Posch" and link back to the URL. You are not permitted to copy the contents of the book and sell it in any format.
ISBN (hb): 978-3-9504591-6-6
ISBN (pb): 978-3-9504591-5-9
ISBN (ebook): 978-3-9504591-4-2
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