- This profile was created for the Eng: US-QWERTY keyboard format
- Layer creation was focused on keeping as much functionality in as few layers as possible
- These layers are all generally-useful. None are highly specialized for specific uses / programs (yet)
- For early learning, keys are colored based on their type:
- 🩷
${\textsf{\color{magenta}Symbols}}$ - ❤️
${\textsf{\color{red}Deletions / Escapes}}$ - 🧡
${\textsf{\color{orange}Special Keys \& Gaming Placement}}$ - 💛
${\textsf{\color{yellow}Navigation}}$ - 💚
${\textsf{\color{green}PrtScr / Strings / Macros}}$ - 🩵
${\textsf{\color{cyan}Standard Keys / Nums}}$ - 💙
${\textsf{\color{blue}Modifiers}}$ - 💜
${\textsf{\color{purple}Space / Enter}}$
Layer 1 - Base Layer

- Keeps true to standard Eng: US-QWERTY layout for the most part
- Thumb cluster allows use of modifiers, Spacebar, and Enter
- Shift L2 allows quick access to Symbols
- OSL L3 allows me to quickly access by holding OR lock to my numpad as needed by double-tapping
- CapsLock -> Backspace
- Fast access to Home / End allow navigation to beginning / end of lines in code
- Backspace / Delete subject to change if they seem inconvenient
- Media Superkey allows typical Play/Pause, Skip, Back -- as well as brightness adjustment
Layer 2 - Symbols
- Most commonly used symbols placed near dominant fingers (brackets for coding)
- Num keys -> Function keys
- Arithmetic symbols colored
${\textsf{\color{blue}blue}}$ - Thumb cluster mostly kept true to Base Layer except Layer Superkey which allows traveresal to L1, L3, or L4 as needed
Layer 3 - Navigation / Numpad

- Use cases: data insertion, calculation, code / webpage navigation
- Arrow key and numpad placement don't require changing homerow positioning
- Add Ctrl + Shift to left thumb cluster for quick text selection
Layer 4 - Gaming

- Top 2 Alphakey rows shifted 1 right
- Allows ergonomic WASD placement for most games
- 'I' & 'M' can be commonly used for Inventory / Map keybindings
- Numbers wrap on Left Half to allow more hotbar-selection in games that allow this
- 'G' & 'H' moved to thumb cluster to allow equipment selection without inhibiting movement (WASD)
- Ctrl -> Backspace & thumb cluster to allow movement variations (may change if it feels funny)
- Leaving this layer is exclusively on the Right Half (Layer Superkey) so it does not occur by accident
- Ctrl / Enter on thumb cluster may change to a macro that opens chat and switches to L1 for typing
➡️ PW is my base password macro, which I will not be sharing :)
➡️ TODO: Macro to open chat and swap to L1 for L4?
➡️ PW uses PW macro on 2Tap & Hold to prevent accidental usage
Action | Function |
Tap | Play / Pause |
Hold | Back |
Tap & Hold | Defy Brightness + |
2Tap | Skip |
2Tap & Hold | Defy Brightness - |
Setting | Preference |
Timeout | 10m |
Backlight | 35 |
Underglow | 50 |
- These will still need to be fine-tunedSetting | Preference |
Dual-Function Overlap | 80 |
Dual-Function Hold Timeout | 70 |
Superkey Tap Timeout | 180 |
Superkey Hold Timeout | 140 |