Uses TFNSW Trip Planner API to find bus stops and train station platforms within some specified radius.
Queries TFNSW endpoint /coord to obtain stops around some coordinate, and /departure_mon to obtain detailed attributes of a particular stop. Searches made in the search bar use /stop_finder endpoint
- Drag user annotation
- Tweak search radius
- User location
- Centre in on user annotation
- Search for a place
The app presents data such as:
- Closest stops
- Name of each stop
- Suburb stop belongs in
- Distance to each stop
- Buses at a particular stop
- Planned departure time
And also real-time data:
- Bus estimated departure time
- Bus capacity
Pulley for iOS 10 Maps style pull up modal.
EHHorizontalSelectionView for horizontal list of buses at a stop.
Only tested on iOS 11
- Find stops, which returns a positive number of stops, and then if we try to find stops where there are no stops existing this will cause an index out of range error in DrawerContentViewController
[x] Search a region
[x] Long press to set position of user's search coordinate
[ ] Find out a sequence of transport to take to get to a specified searched region
[ ] Fix StopInfoViewController to update waiting time