The advanced version of the Rocket PHP boilerplate, the features that make this version advanced are ...
- Bootstrap Integration (CDN)
- JQUERY Integration (CDN)
- Popper Integration (CDN)
- Local fall-backs in case CDN's are down
- Function for serving zip files to users
- Functions for storing passwords and keys securely
A boilerplate for making a website using php. Features a config file to setup global variables such as..
- Current Page
- Navigation page
- Canonical Tags
- Page Title
- Page Description and a responsive navigation bar, all pages built with modular PHP includes, such as...
- navbar.php: The navigation bar
- footer.php: The footer
- head-tags.php: The HTML meta data tags this template can easily be modified to create a responsive, efficient PHP website.
- static-tags.php: The head-tags which do not change for every page, this includes stylesheets, viewports etc
The template comes with a .htaccess file that will automatically hide the .php extension from the URL, it will also redirect 404 and 403 errors to the following files...
- invalid404.php: The page could not be found
- forbidden403: You do not have permission to access this page
A folder which can store sensitive data, this folder will not be visible to the public and can be used to store api keys, passwords etc.
This folder can be used to store files you wish visitors to be able to download, using the file "download-files.php" you can easily configure this to allow users to download content from your site.
What you will need...
- Web Server or LAMP Stack (XAMPP)
- PHP installed
- PHP write and read permission
- Internet connection for CDN's
How to download and setup the template
Navigate to your "HTDOCS" folder on your web server and clear the contents, clone this repository, (note the . at the end ensures the enclosing folder is not cloned)
git clone .
- Angus Goody - Initial work -