This repository contains the code of the Angular Material In Depth video course.
This course repository is updated to Angular 19:
You can find the starting point of the course in the 1-start branch.
This master branch contains the final version of the course code, that you can use as a reference if you choose to code along.
IMPORTANT: Please use Node 18 LTS (Long Term Support version).
With the following command the angular-cli will be installed globally in your machine:
npm install -g @angular/cli
We can install the master branch using the following commands:
git clone
cd angular-material-course
npm ci
Note: We recommend using npm ci, instead of npm install. This will ensure that you use the exact dependency versions set on package-lock.json, unlike npm install which might potentially change those versions.
Our Angular frontend connects to a simple Node server, running also in your local development machine.
We can start the sample application backend with the following command:
npm run server
Once the backend server is up and running, we can now run our frontend server.
To run the frontend part of our code, we will use the Angular CLI:
npm start
The application is visible at port 4200: http://localhost:4200
Note: **make sure to use command npm start and not ng serve, as npm start adds a couple extra options that are needed for our project **
If you are looking for the Modern Angular With Signals Course, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the Angular Forms In Depth course, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the Angular Router In Depth course, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the Ngrx (with NgRx Data) - The Complete Guide, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the Angular Core Deep Dive Course, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the RxJs In Practice, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the NestJs In Practice Course, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the Angular Testing Course, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the Serverless Angular with Firebase Course, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the Angular Universal Course, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the Angular PWA Course, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the Angular Security Masterclass, the repo with the full code can be found here:
If you are looking for the Angular Advanced Course, the repo with the full code can be found here:
Angular Advanced Library Laboratory Course: Build Your Own Library.
If you are looking for the RxJs and Reactive Patterns Angular Architecture Course code, the repo with the full code can be found here:
RxJs and Reactive Patterns Angular Architecture Course
If you are looking for the Complete Typescript 2 Course - Build a REST API, the repo with the full code can be found here: