Everything interesting that I found and it’s cool to read & play around :) I'm currating this list of links since 2018 when I first started educating myself about crypto and web3 ecosystem.
Disclaimer: This repo is Work In Progress and I'm adding new links on a very irregular basis. As author of this currated list I'm not responsible for outdated content and broken links. Feel free to DM me if you find corrected links to the content listed bellow.
- Getting started with crypto
- Learning Portals & Fellowships
- Developers
- Faucets
- Cool Projects
- ETH1.x
- ETH1.x to ETH2.0
- ETH2.0 - PoS
- DeFi
- NFTs
- Tokens, ERC-20...
- L2s,Optimistic rollups, plasma, ZK
- Community & Dev Rel
- Web3 Job boards
- Interchain & Cosmos
- AI
Before you jump into Ethereum Community, read this piece - general knowleadge about Crypto https://logicmag.io/bodies/the-crypto-family-farm/
Great article explaining the difference between web1.0 web 2.0 and web3.0 - crypto space. It is written in very simple to understand language. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-web3/
Decentralised web - simple explanantion https://hackernoon.com/dweb-the-decentralized-web-a0e9c6a5c0ec
My Web3 Journey: Day 50 of #100daysofWeb3 - helpful when starting with crypto https://eda.hashnode.dev/my-web3-journey-day-50-of-100daysofweb3
Keep your funds safe + general knowleadge portal, mainly about how to keep your crypto safe https://support.mycrypto.com/
12 questions about crypto https://outlast.me/twelve-questions/
Cypherpunks mailing list - OG literature cypherpunks movement http://mailing-list-archive.cryptoanarchy.wiki/
Simple Guide to the Web3 Stack https://www.coinbase.com/blog/a-simple-guide-to-the-web3-stack
Hitchhikers guide to Ethereum - huge but super informative and up to date how Ethereum works, runs and all important deets https://members.delphidigital.io/reports/the-hitchhikers-guide-to-ethereum/
Newsletter for beginners https://creatoreconomy.so/p/curious-beginner-guide-to-crypto
Beginner guide to Ethereum "Imagine automatically sending money from one person to another but only when a certain set of conditions are met. For example an individual wants to purchase a home from another person." https://blog.coinbase.com/a-beginners-guide-to-ethereum-46dd486ceecf
Blockchain required readings https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/blob/master/docs/READINGS.md - huge repo incl:
- Required Blockchain & Ethereum Knowledge
- Required Sharding Knowledge
- Necessary Go Knowledge & Readings
How does Ethereum work, anyway ? https://medium.com/@preethikasireddy/how-does-ethereum-work-anyway-22d1df506369
Crypto | An API-Based Composable Financial System - great blog post outlining crypto APIs https://www.apifirst.tech/p/crypto-an-api-based-composable-financial-system
Ethereum Roadmap kinda sum up from Devcon5 & nice reading about Ethereum https://decrypt.co/10298/devcon-5-building-a-decentralized-revolution-at-scale
Price of ETH and history "The first and biggest flaw is the idea that forking/creating a competitor is a zero cost activity and therefore Ethereum has zero pricing power. In reality, I would argue forking has extremely high coordination costs and Ethereum has significant pricing power, equivalent to the size of its network effects." https://hackernoon.com/in-defense-of-ethereum-and-its-fatness-why-im-still-bullish-on-eth-4c00fea65442?gi=54535f63bbe2
nice story how dev got into Ethereum https://medium.com/@pipermerriam/my-rambling-journey-into-a-career-working-on-ethereum-and-the-decentralized-web-134743766f64
why I love Ethereum community, values, advantages and overall overview on Ethereum community https://medium.com/@pipermerriam/thoughts-on-our-values-as-a-community-19ada1d4749
(controversial) point of a view on mass adoption of crypto https://www.coindesk.com/cryptocurrency-is-most-useful-for-breaking-laws-and-social-constructs
scaling Ethereum - huge repo https://github.com/jpitts/eth-community-discussions/blob/master/proposals-to-scale.md#general-strategies-for-scaling-the-ethereum-network
meaning of decentralization https://medium.com/@VitalikButerin/the-meaning-of-decentralization-a0c92b76a274#.4hl67650f
crypto takeaways from 2018 https://medium.com/@goltra/three-crypto-takeaways-from-2018-1f9f05ca4e35
How to run Ethereum node - Geth https://medium.com/better-programming/run-an-ethereum-node-on-linux-late-2019-b37a1d35800e
One of the best developer courses in Ethereum! Senior blockchain engineer https://www.rareskills.io/
Advanced Solidity Bootcamp https://www.rareskills.io/solidity-bootcamp
Coinbase tutorials & educational blog posts https://www.coinbase.com/learn/crypto-basics
Ethernaut a Web3/Solidity based wargame played in the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Each level is a smart contract that needs to be 'hacked' https://ethernaut.openzeppelin.com/
ZK bootcamp https://www.rareskills.io/zk-bootcamp
Inevitable Ethereum - History, finance, computer science, elliptic curve cryptography... everything needed to see the future https://inevitableeth.com/en/home/ethereum/evm
Solidity by example - an introduction to Solidity with simple examples https://solidity-by-example.org/
Solidity playground http://remix.ethereum.org/
Web3 university https://www.web3.university/
The most popular game https://cryptozombies.io/
An Educational Sandbox For Web3... And Much More. Drag-and-Drop Programming, Open Source Building Blocks,Visually Understand How Ethereum Works https://eth.build/
Tutorials, huge knowledge source for ethereum, web3, IPFS, polkadot and other decentralised technologies. https://simpleaswater.com/
Binance academy - what is Ethereum, history... reading & recordings (listening) https://www.binance.vision/blockchain/what-is-ethereum
District0x learning portal - writeups & videos https://education.district0x.io/general-topics/
Developer tools -A guide to the available tools, components, patterns, and platforms for developing applications on Ethereum. https://pages.consensys.net/developer-tools
Ethhub.io - great source of all kinds of basics info, amazing podcasts, subscribe to their newsletter - weekly updates of projects and overall info that’s amazing and you have no time to catch up on Crypto Twitter https://docs.ethhub.io/questions-about-ethereum/is-ethereum-more-expensive-to-use-as-price-rises/
Crypto glossary - explainig terms in crypto https://a16z.com/2019/11/08/crypto-glossary/
Bitpanda academy - answers to basics Questions about Ethereum, for beginners and everyone who wants to learn more. BTC, Open Source, Ripple, ICO, Altcoins... https://www.bitpanda.com/academy/en/lessons/what-is-ethereum/
DeFi school https://defi.school/
Enclode club solidity bootcamp https://www.encode.club/solidity-bootcamps
Coinbase learning courses https://www.coinbase.com/earn
ConsenSys learning academy (paid courses) https://consensys.net/academy/
Crypto zombies - Learn to Code Blockchain DApps By Building Simple Games https://cryptozombies.io/
Learn to code in Vyper https://vyper.fun
Crypto hack - A fun platform for learning modern cryptography https://cryptohack.org/
Interactive Ethereum Tutorials https://tutorials.ethvigil.com/
Its super power is interating on smart contracts as you build your frontend. It's great for building decentralized applications on Ethereum. http://scaffoldeth.io/
ZK Class 2 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PDuIZN8SxWFegbesTyTWBN8uTjb7nSGAlhcJ6YwjRek/edit#slide=id.p
ZK course - This class aims to bring together students and experts in academia and industry to explore Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) https://zk-learning.org/
Auditing and security program fellowship for software devs - smart contract fellowship, zk fellowship https://yacademy.dev/fellowships/
List of 40 blockchain portals - similar to listed above https://blog.developerdao.com/40-free-online-learning-platforms-for-web3-enthusiasts
Solidity School https://github.com/Aniket-Engg/solidity-school
List of ambassador programs of crypto projects https://crypto-ambassador.com/blog/
De University of Ethereum https://ueth.org/home
zero to one web dev - compiled list of resources that you should go over when https://ravi0.notion.site/Zero-to-One-Web-Dev-Guide-0b9dcd9c77b249ca8af4b9e5bd6b676e
Learning resources, where to start as Web3 developer and so many great sources of blogs https://www.useweb3.xyz/
Solidity by example - an introduction to Solidity with simple examples https://solidity-by-example.org/
Introduction to Solidity smart contracts https://blog.paulmcaviney.ca/hello-world
Free Ethereum Developer Bootcamp https://www.chainshot.com/
Blockchain Developer Job Kit https://pages.consensys.net/blockchain-developer-job-kit
Truffle for Smart Contracts - depreciated https://www.trufflesuite.com/
Knowledge & Tools https://consensys.net/developers/
Quickly build your next Defi dapp in no time https://money-legos.studydefi.com/#/quickstart
Crypto wallet UI kit https://whollet.io/
Decentralised database for devs https://gun.eco/docs/Todo-Dapp
Method to the Madness - sbt-Ethereum intends to make interacting with, customizing, and deploying Ethereum smart contracts more “accessible” to non-developers https://www.sbt-ethereum.io/method_to_the_madness.html
Auditing exercises - learn how to audit contracts https://github.com/spearbit-audits/writing-exercise
Dapptools - A suite of Ethereum focused CLI tools following the Unix design philosophy, favoring composability, configurability and extensibility. https://github.com/dapphub/dapptools
Foundry - A smart contract development toolchain in Rust. Foundry manages your dependencies, compiles your project, runs tests, deploys, and lets you interact with the chain from the command line and via Solidity scripts. https://book.getfoundry.sh/ https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry https://www.paradigm.xyz/2021/12/introducing-the-foundry-ethereum-development-toolbox#whats-the-vision
Nexth - A Next.js + Ethereum starter kit to quickly ship Web3 Apps https://github.com/wslyvh/nexth/?tab=readme-ov-file
Hardhat - a development environment for Ethereum software. It consists of different components for editing, compiling, debugging and deploying your smart contracts and dApps, all of which work together to create a complete development environment. https://hardhat.org/
Bundler for Solidity - Solidity + Typescript https://evmts.dev/
Find smart contracts, solidity libraries, and discover protocols. https://www.cookbook.dev/
The best way to read and understand smart contracts https://www.contractreader.io/
Ethereum IDE for deploying, writing, testing smart contracts https://www.atlaszk.com/
Spawn development platform for building custom modular Cosmos-SDK blockchains https://github.com/rollchains/spawn
- USDC & EURC https://faucet.circle.com/
Goerli Faucets - Goerli will get depreciated soon! Try to use Holesky or Sepolia instead
- https://faucet.quicknode.com/ethereum/goerli
- https://goerlifaucet.com/
- https://goerli-faucet.pk910.de/
- https://goerlifaucet.org/
- https://www.allthatnode.com/faucet/ethereum.dsrv - Goerli and Sepolia
- https://goerli-faucet.mudit.blog/
- https://faucet.goerli.starknet.io/ - Starknet Goerli
- https://faucet.triangleplatform.com/ethereum/goerli
- https://faucet.polygon.technology/
- https://grabteeth.xyz/ - Goerli and Sepolia
- https://testnetbridge.com/ - buy Goerli ETH with Mainnet ETH
- https://faucet.chainstack.com/goerli-testnet-faucet
Sepolia Faucets
- https://www.infura.io/faucet/sepolia
- https://faucet-sepolia.rockx.com/
- https://faucet.sepolia.dev/
- https://sepolia-faucet.pk910.de/ PoW
- https://www.sepoliafaucet.io/
- https://faucet.chainstack.com/sepolia-testnet-faucet
- https://faucets.chain.link/sepolia
Holesky Faucets
- https://holesky-faucet.pk910.de/
- http://holeskyfaucet.io
- https://faucet.chainstack.com/holesky-testnet-faucet
Ephemery Faucets
Optimism Faucets
- https://app.optimism.io/faucet - Superchain
Multi-chain Faucets - supporting more tokens and chains than listed above
- https://bwarelabs.com/faucets
- https://faucet.quicknode.com/drip
- https://www.covalenthq.com/faucet/
- https://www.coinbase.com/faucets
- https://faucet.triangleplatform.com/
- https://www.l2faucet.com/
- https://faucet.chainstack.com/
- https://faucet.paradigm.xyz/
Base Goerli Faucets
- https://learnweb3.io/faucets/base_goerli
- https://www.coinbase.com/faucets/base-ethereum-goerli-faucet
Linea Goerli Faucets
- https://www.infura.io/faucet/linea
- https://faucet.goerli.linea.build
- https://learnweb3.io/faucets/linea_goerli
Testnet Faucet supports Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkeby, Görli, Optimistic Kovan, Arbitrum Rinkeby, Polygon Mumbai, and Avalanche Fuji https://faucet.paradigm.xyz/
You can use this app to deposit some ETH into a noncustodial smart contract, and then easily generate a proof that you had performed said deposit without revealing your original address. https://tornado.cash/about
Social tokens (money), personal currency webinar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3JQMx10tas
Redefining value - social capital mind map http://danfinlay.com/p2p-wot-map.svg
The hackers guide to Web3 UX https://www.notion.so/The-Hackers-Guide-to-Web3-UX-d04371409d76432c85c773e230bd780a
Gas efficient token distribution https://github.com/Astrodrop/shrine
Dashboards, analytics - Know where your users came from, what they're doing, and why. https://www.spindl.xyz/
Web3 data version of this list - Web3 data resources, tools, and APIs for developers, researchers, and analysts working in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space https://github.com/Hydepwns/awesome-web3-data
Attemp to change ETH 1.x process https://medium.com/@akhounov/ethereum-1x-as-an-attempt-to-change-the-process-783efa23cf60
General - huge reading about ETH 1.x https://docs.ethhub.io/ethereum-roadmap/ethereum-1.x/
Stateless client: New direction for ETH1.x https://medium.com/@pipermerriam/stateless-clients-a-new-direction-for-ethereum-1-x-e70d30dc27aa
ETH1.x research topics https://ledgerwatch.github.io/Ethereum_1_Research_topics.html
Core paper of EIPs https://ep.corepaper.org/#proposals
Ethereum State - huge tech explanation https://github.com/ledgerwatch/turbo-geth/blob/master/docs/programmers_guide/guide.md#transaction-processing
ESP Ethereum Foundation small grants program - great for events, builders https://esp.ethereum.foundation/applicants/small-grants
Robust Incentives Group is an Ethereum Foundation research team dedicated to the study of protocol mechanisms with the lens of game theory, mechanism design, crypto-economics, formal methods and data science. https://rig.ethereum.org
- Roadmap ETH1.x to ETH2.0 https://notes.ethereum.org/cISMnGRMR6-EWka8QLLlYw
ETH2 for Dummies - great simple overview of ETH2.0 and how it works (incl beacon chain expl, launch dates, teams working on it) https://medium.com/@chromaticcapital/eth2-for-dummies-11ff9b11509f
ETH2.0 glossary full of basic terms https://kb.beaconcha.in/glossary
ETH2.0 Specification https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs#design-goals
Run ETH2.0 Prysm Testnet - step by step guide https://medium.com/@steve.berryman/installing-and-running-an-ethereum-2-prysm-validator-on-the-testnet-c004dd7eece8
Proof Of Stake FAQ's - more technical https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Proof-of-Stake-FAQ
Journey to ETH2.0 - explains moving from 1.x to 2.0 https://medium.com/@william.j.villanueva/a-journey-through-phase-2-of-ethereum-2-0-c7a2397a36cb
ETH 2.0 - 5 takeaways from Vitalik https://www.coindesk.com/5-takeaways-on-ethereum-2-0-from-vitaliks-beast-mode-blog-posts
Beacon Chain definition https://media.consensys.net/state-of-ethereum-protocol-2-the-beacon-chain-c6b6a9a69129
Eth2 shard chain simplification proposal https://notes.ethereum.org/@vbuterin/HkiULaluS
Ethereum 2.0 (Serenity) Phases https://docs.ethhub.io/ethereum-roadmap/ethereum-2.0/eth-2.0-phases/
ETH 2.0 newsletter by Ben Edington https://notes.ethereum.org/@ChihChengLiang/Sk8Zs--CQ/https%3A%2F%2Fbenjaminion.xyz%2Fnewineth2%2F20191003.html?type=book
ETH2.0 Lighthouse Validator Non Tech Guide on MacOS https://levelup.gitconnected.com/eth2-0-lighthouse-validator-non-tech-guide-on-macos-90cb00f7ba4f
"Phase 0 is the beacon chain, which implements the Proof of Stake protocol, an alternative to Proof of Work for securing the blockchain network. Phase 1 provides massive scalability in the form of shard chains, increasing the transaction handling capacity of the network by over a thousand. Phase 2 is the execution layer that will provide user accounts and smart contracts, and support the full array of distributed applications necessary for our decentralised future." "the beacon chain will start up in early 2020. A date of January 3rd has been suggested, being the anniversary of the Bitcoin genesis block. But that is perhaps too soon to be completely production ready. A little later in Q1 2020 is most likely." good reading about ETH2.0 & kinda roadmap - builing Ethereum looks like Bazaar.. https://media.consensys.net/ethereum-2-0s-latest-strides-forward-13f63652e57d
ETH2.0 Phrase 2 Progress https://medium.com/@william.j.villanueva/ethereum-2-0-phase-2-progress-7673b57eabff
Is Ethereum 2.0 overlooking communication costs? https://medium.com/elrondnetwork/is-ethereum-2-0-overlooking-communication-costs-ee99931caa7
Shard Counts and Shuffling https://ethresear.ch/t/registrations-shard-count-and-shuffling/2129
Moving ETH between shards https://ethresear.ch/t/moving-eth-between-shards-the-problem-statement/6597
The State of ETH2.0 - older writeup & sum up about ETH2.0 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PS0k9MaKPdPwEw3Uh9rq7USjq7LcSpT6ICQUXRij4YE/edit#
Engineer guide to ETH2.0 https://hackernoon.com/what-to-expect-when-eths-expecting-80cb4951afcd
ETH2.0 designing goals https://media.consensys.net/exploring-the-ethereum-2-0-design-goals-fd2d901b4c01
Since the Merge: How Are Things Changing? https://pintail.xyz/posts/since-the-merge/
DeFi school https://defi.school/
What’s DeFi by defipulse https://defipulse.com/blog/what-is-defi/
Network effect in an Open Financial World https://medium.com/@0xKiwi/network-effects-in-an-open-financial-world-251152b9467d
Ether is Equity - Ethereum decribed from financal perspective https://bankless.substack.com/p/ether-is-equity
Aave v3 stETH - where does yield come from in Aave v3 https://docs.summer.fi/products/earn/aave-v3-steth#where-does-the-yield-come-from
Isolated markets - Moonbeam, they have lots of great DeFi related posts in their docs https://docs.moonwell.fi/moonwell/moonwell-overview/isolated-markets
Yearn vaults v3 https://tokenterminal.com/resources/interview/yearn-vaults-v3
How Ethereum staking works https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/staking/overview#how-ethereum-staking-works
Optimizing Treasury With A Yield-Bearing Stablecoin: The Morpho Case Study - Angle have a lots of great blog posts https://blog.angle.money/morpho-added-stusd-to-treasury
Hyperliquid: Navigating Growth and Future Potential in DeFi https://economicsdesign.com/blog/hyperliquid-navigating-growth-and-future-potential-in-defi/
The Yield Bearing Stablecoin Revolution https://medium.com/florencefinance/the-yield-bearing-stablecoin-revolution-8855ad8d00e7
DAO Landscape - overview of DAOs and DAO ecosystem https://coopahtroopa.mirror.xyz/_EDyn4cs9tDoOxNGZLfKL7JjLo5rGkkEfRa_a-6VEWw
Ethereum: Slayer of Moloch - MolochDAO trying to solve coordination issues https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/p/ethereum-slayer-of-moloch-
DAOs terms dictionary https://www.notion.so/752ebbd0fa274065b51919a652c6e51d?v=1663f8ec31df48188b30b2bfc1c2395f
Why DAO - good read on DAOs https://teju.mirror.xyz/7ipehayeCLUOkeL5JZKTrDiOXSAUak3yNMnT2W9WEPc
DAO Fundamentals and governance https://orca.mirror.xyz/WVB26-PtNp8D_7A7DXNPhnOMEHnPrEP2NgJc0nRAqwo
DAO Tools and Resources https://www.notion.so/DAO-Tools-and-Resources-cecc1368c32041fc89515a63f00bae28
DAOs in short, DAO hack, MolochDAO, Matacartel DAO https://www.buildblockchain.tech/newsletter/issues/no-73-return-of-the-dao
DoS attac - what happened after DAO hack in 2016 http://hackingdistributed.com/2016/06/28/ethereum-soft-fork-dos-vector/
MolochDAO - how it does work and everything about it https://concourseopen.com/blog/moloch-dao-explained/
DAOs built on GenesisDAO https://ecosystem.daoincubator.org/meta/daos-ecosystem
How decentralised autonomous organisations’ governance could build upon the expertise acquired via stakeholder management techniques. https://medium.com/@christophe.de.landtsheer/daos-and-stakeholder-dartboards-f2cd30aaad1e
True or not true DAO? — Resist the beginnings and consider the end https://medium.com/@markus.buech/true-or-not-true-dao-resist-the-beginnings-and-consider-the-end-5ba20c9ccac
DAOstack 2020 updates, DAOs overview https://medium.com/daostack/daostack-in-2020-18cf98b01bea
Community DAOs - great overview of DAOs and it's communities https://p.mirror.xyz/cVN3KOss0uqpZwxHQKtC4Syvn1RfXaxofFKHJuKLWS4
NFT Canyon - huge list of amazing links and resources about NFTs https://future.a16z.com/nft-canon/
NFT School for Developers, amazing website full of great content for NFT Devs https://nftschool.dev/
This article is about NFTs, explaining the differences between NFTfying your artwork and certifying it without blockchain. Short read, great explanation https://draecomino.substack.com/p/nfts-are-signatures-that-come-with
NFTs for dummies - super short and snappy thread about NFTs https://twitter.com/Nahiiko/status/1400756970349604864?s=20
NFT Standards Wiki - everything standards related https://www.nftstandards.wtf/
Awesome NFT list https://github.com/gianni-dalerta/awesome-nft
How to mint music NFTs - everything what you want to know when starting with NFTfying your music https://metaversal.banklesshq.com/p/how-to-mint-music-nfts-
Awesome EVM https://github.com/pirapira/awesome-ethereum-virtual-machine
Huge list of anythhing zk, finance, deep technical, derivates, papers.. https://github.com/sambacha/compendium
EVM - Ethereum Virtual Mashine https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Design-Rationale#virtual-machine
EVM Deep Dives: The Path to Shadowy Super Coder - Part 1 - great Substack on EVM deep dive https://noxx.substack.com/p/evm-deep-dives-the-path-to-shadowy
Technical stuff about Blockchain-level protocol, Accounts and not UTXOs, Merkle Patricia Trees, RLP Compression algorithm,Trie Usage, Uncle incentivization,Difficulty Update Algorithm, Gas and Fees, Virtual Machine https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Design-Rationale#virtual-machine
Curve BLS12-381 protocols are using it for digital signatures https://hackmd.io/@benjaminion/H1lkISO3JU
Demystifying Incentives in the Consensus Computer https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/702.pdf
Precompiles in Solidity, dive into EVM https://medium.com/@rbkhmrcr/precompiles-solidity-e5d29bd428c4
Improving scalability with precompiles "precompiles are very similar to the Eth2 concept of execution environments (EE). Among other things, Eth2 EE will be WASM-based. Introducing WASM precompiles will provide for a smooth transition to the heavy paradigm shift that Eth2 is." https://medium.com/@gballet/improving-scalability-withwasm-precompiles-df75e536f93e
Firehose Sync - fast accounting data access and requests from server https://github.com/ledgerwatch/turbo-geth/blob/master/docs/firehose.MD#Command-Specification-for-Firehose-Sync
Merkle trees https://github.com/protolambda/eth-merkle-trees/blob/master/typing_partial
Structuring Blockspace Derivatives - financial contracts that allow users to hedge their exposure to fluctuations in gas prices https://mirror.xyz/0x03c29504CEcCa30B93FF5774183a1358D41fbeB1/WKa3GFC03uY34d2MufTyD0c595xVRUEZi9RNG-dHNKs
Playdate with EVM https://femboy.capital/evm-pt1
EVM Deepdive https://www.devpill.me/docs/smart-contract-development/evm-deep-dive/
Ethereum Data Structures https://arxiv.org/pdf/2108.05513.pdf
The Dangers of Token integration, slides focused on security of ERC-20 token contract https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/workshops/blob/master/11-dangers-token-integration/slides.pdf
Awesome Buggy ERC20 Tokens colllecction of vunerabilities in ERC-20 smart contracts and tokens affected https://github.com/sec-bit/awesome-buggy-erc20-tokens
Awesome Zeroo Knowledge Proofs - all you need to oknow, huge repo of all thngs ZKP https://github.com/matter-labs/awesome-zero-knowledge-proofs
The life and death of plasma - whats plasma, how it works, how it was created, hostory, rollups, snarks, optimism https://medium.com/dragonfly-research/the-life-and-death-of-plasma-b72c6a59c5ad
L2 scaling solutions, comparisons, security, economics.. general overview on L2 out there https://medium.com/matter-labs/evaluating-ethereum-l2-scaling-solutions-a-comparison-framework-b6b2f410f955
Layer 2 learnings by Ethereum Magicians - intro into L2, zk rollups, ORUs, developer session takeaways, L2 useer takeaways https://medium.com/ethereum-magicians/layer-2-learnings-by-ethereum-magicians-22283b10ebf2
L2s overview - huge list of Q&A all things L2 https://thedailyape.notion.site/Layer-2s-0f982eedaa3d4807a586edd480391188
Through the looking glass: A cross-chain sealed-bid auction using Aztec Connect https://a16zcrypto.com/through-the-looking-glass-a-cross-chain-sealed-bid-auction-using-aztec-connect/
Kate-Zaverucha-Goldberg (KZG) Constant-Sized Polynomial Commitments https://alinush.github.io/2020/05/06/kzg-polynomial-commitments.html
KZG in Practice: Polynomial Commitment Schemes and Their Usage in Scaling Ethereum https://scroll.io/blog/kzg
Compilers and IRs: LLVM IR, SPIR-V, and MLIR https://www.lei.chat/posts/compilers-and-irs-llvm-ir-spirv-and-mlir/
KZG polynomial commitments https://dankradfeist.de/ethereum/2020/06/16/kate-polynomial-commitments.html
ZKP Knowledgebase - polynomials, snarks... lots of nerdy math like ZKP Compiler design, Hardware acceleration, Lightclient, Arithmetic Fields, Efficient Signatures, Proof Aggregation, Vulnerabilities, Licensing, Verifiable Delay Functions (VDF),Formal Verification, Proof Systems https://kb.delendum.xyz/zk-knowledge#vulnerabilities
Sovereign rollup https://mirror.xyz/0x55a0c204c6fDd0DCf238430cb4BF79D45e8D9Bc3/x2tOM-u5vkgmmmkCPHLvorhC7PSbDQK6LQmB6mjNw1k
ZK bug tracker https://github.com/0xPARC/zk-bug-tracker
Awesome MEV Boost https://github.com/thegostep/awesome-mev-boost
MEV Resources - huge notion pad - articles, publications, MEV Boost & SUAVE, podcasts, videos, conferences, other MEV resources https://succulent-throat-0ce.notion.site/MEV-Resources-a3b3d108c3c64aac8d0f398de5a3cfdc
Practical Guide into analyzing MEV in the PoS era https://medium.com/@toni_w/practical-guide-into-analyzing-mev-in-the-proof-of-stake-era-e2b024509918
Thread on MEV https://twitter.com/0xmisaka/status/1542224384173244418
MEV Boost - Implementation of PBS https://boost.flashbots.net/
Post Merge MEV https://twitter.com/lightclients/status/1533915131536605185
MEV and me https://research.paradigm.xyz/MEV
Flash Boys 2.0: Frontrunning, Transaction Reordering, and Consensus Instability in Decentralized Exchanges - the famous paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.05234
Building MEV from scratch https://www.notion.so/Building-an-EVM-from-scratch-part-1-the-execution-context-c28ebb4200c94f6fb75948a5feffc686
Any links related to community building, this will be a bit off category but I'd like to keep all cool links related to my involvement one place
Become mentor, become mentee - having mentor in your career is crucial https://www.get-merit.com/
DevOps days list of Web2 DevOps Conferences related to DevRel https://devopsdays.org/
Building High Impact Developer Communities A GUIDE TO GROWING DEVELOPER ECOSYSTEMS https://nader.substack.com/p/building-high-impact-developer-communities
Tracking Community Growth tracking active members across discord, twitter, etc. No web3 features though & crm-like functionality isn't as great based on what I've seen https://orbit.love/
DevRel Content related to DevRel role, DevRel confs.. https://developerrelations.com/
Advices for DevRel Advices for building dev communities, how to engage with dev communities https://www.whatisdevrel.com/
Orbit model for community building The Orbit Model is a tool for organizing, visualizing, and measuring communities. Since 2016, the model has fostered thousands of conversations about what makes communities work and how to grow, strengthen, and measure them. https://orbit.love/model
Book - The Business of Belonging: How to Build Communities That Grow the Bottom Line, David Spinks https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55180348-the-business-of-belonging?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=ymtqROtLlQ&rank=1
Lot's of community building related blogs https://communitycoach.me/my-blog/
A weekly email roundup of Developer Avocados 🥑 (Developer advocates) CFPs (Call for Papers to speak at events), resources and articles. https://developeravocados.net/
5 Tips For Writing Technical Documentation That Developers Love https://dev.to/getpieces/5-tips-for-writing-technical-documentation-that-developers-love-1ho7
How Stripe builds interactive docs with Markdoc -> hint, Stripe docs ROCKS! https://stripe.com/blog/markdoc
So what exactly is Dev Rel? https://jimbobbennett.dev/blogs/so-what-is-devrel/
The Silver Bullet for 30-60-90 Day-Plans as a DevRel https://dev.to/bianca_buzea/the-silver-bullet-for-30-60-90-day-plans-as-a-devrel-1pl3
Defining Developer Relations https://www.leggetter.co.uk/2016/02/03/defining-developer-relations.html
How to measure Developer Relations with Patrick Collins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5iCUX-6Z3w&t=2567s&ab_channel=RazaZaidi
AI video editor, helps with captions, voice correction...etc https://www.captions.ai/
DevRel roadmap, defining categories of devrel https://roadmap.sh/devrel
The DEveloper Advocacy Handbook https://developer-advocacy.com/
Awesome Docs https://github.com/testthedocs/awesome-docs
Where to look for a job in Web3
VCs / ecosystems have their lists of open roles for their portfolio companies:
Great reads related to job search:
The Cosmos hub as port city of a blockchains - "Blockchains are virtual cities: districts of economic and cultural exchange, where common infrastructure gives rise to a mutual sense of place and a shared social fabric." https://medium.com/cosmos-blockchain/the-cosmos-hub-is-a-port-city-5b7f2d28debf
IBC explanantion - overview https://polymerlabs.medium.com/an-introduction-to-polymer-labs-cosmos-and-ibc-inter-blockchain-communication-b9f941ee2cdb
IBC deep dive explanantion https://polymerlabs.medium.com/blockchain-bridges-101-a-guide-to-inter-blockchain-communication-ibc-3efc092770b1
All info about relayers - pretty technical article. TL:DR on relayers - information & message pagers between blockchain modules https://medium.com/the-interchain-foundation/relaying-the-message-a-deep-dive-into-ibc-relayer-operations-6ff763a2a22f
Bridges - general overview page - benefits of using a bridge, types : Lock and mint – Lock assets on the source chain and mint assets on the destination chain. Burn and mint – Burn assets on the source chain and mint assets on the destination chain. Atomic swaps – Swap assets on the source chain for assets on the destination chain with another party. https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/bridges/#how-do-bridges-work
The Cross-Chain Money Lego "multi-chain = users can find a dApp or token on multiple networks cross-chain = users can interact with a contract, dApp, token, etc., across multiple chains in one user-interface" https://medium.com/lifinance/li-fi-the-cross-chain-money-lego-df9534c7efcc
Cross chain vs Multichain https://medium.com/evmos/cross-chain-vs-multi-chain-revisited-ea771e204b8f
The Future of Cross-chain: What Went Wrong and How We Can Move Forward https://blog.buildwithsygma.com/future-of-cross-chain/
AI training courses - The fastest way to learn to build cool AI projects and get certified to deliver in AI, more of a social app similar to Strava https://www.buildclub.ai/
Free online courses. A series of free online courses created by MinnaLearn and the University of Helsinki https://www.elementsofai.com/
12-week online curriculum https://microsoft.github.io/AI-For-Beginners/
Fast AI is a selection of practical AI courses created by Jeremy Howard (creator of ULMFiT used in ChatGPT) and Dr Rachel Thomas. https://www.fast.ai/
Navigating HyperEVM DeFi: A Guide for What is to Come https://x.com/0xBroze/status/1890042728878133623
Explain the Unit Guardian System Like I’m 5: BTC on Hyperliquid https://x.com/0xBroze/status/1890761476501131353