Test assignment for interview purposes
This is the Location management application that enables user to create, edit, delete different locations. The most important features implemented are:
- Registration and authorisation
- Locations dashboard with the help of Open Street Map and openlayers package
- CRUD operations for each location are achieved using Reactive Forms, as well as the validation of the forms
- On the dashboard, the filter is implemented using simple array filtering and string lookup
- For the styles Tailwind is used.
- Admin users are able to create, update or delete locations
- By default, newly created users are not admins. Please, switch admin to TRUE in the 'db' manually
In order to run the code follow these steps:
- Navigate to 'client' folder using terminal
- Run 'npm i'
- Start Angular using 'ng serve'
- Navigate to 'server' folder
- Run 'npm i'
- Start backend using 'npm start'
P.S. In order to upgrade user to Admin, manually switch the admin role to TRUE, and run 'server' again.
Thank you