A starter project for Django 5 with allauth (formerly starter-fullstack)
- Postgres
- Python 3.12
- Django 5.0.8
- Bootstrap 5
- (check requirements.txt for actual installs)
- Authentication with allauth and socialaccount (Google)
- Environs for storing secrets
- User model with profile extension
- Model translation ready
- Django Filer ready
- FlatPages with tinymce editor (start url with "/en/" if language is english, "/it/" if it's italian)
- Interactive search bar with Hyperscript
- Styled with Bootstrap 5
- Some interaction with HTMX, avoiding full page reload
- Incorporating Neapolitan with HTMX behaviour (use project.HxCRUDView)
Unittests, coverage 98%
- Hyperscript for local interactions