The board is similar to a Raspberry Pi Pico: same dimensions, with USB-C and a 0.96" 160x80 LCD (ST7735) mounted on the front, and a micro JST 1.25 battery header.
graph LR
subgraph LCD pins
p1(GP8):::gpio ==> l1(LCD_DC):::lcd
p2(GP9):::gpio ==> l2(LCD_CS):::lcd
p3(GP10):::gpio ==> l3(LCD_CLK):::lcd
p4(GP11):::gpio ==> l4(LCD_DIN):::lcd
p5(GP12):::gpio ==> l5(LCD_RST):::lcd
p6(GP25):::gpio ==> l6(LCD_BL):::lcd
classDef gpio stroke:#555,color:#000,fill:#7BC942;
classDef lcd stroke:#555,color:#000,fill:#C0C0C0;
- Initial experiment using the MicroPython-ST7735 driver seems to work well. Modified the bitmap sample to match the appropriate pins.