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Utilities for CORD development and testing

This script leverages the Omni GENI tool to bring up an Ubuntu 14.04 bare-metal server on CloudLab. It then uses Ansible to prep the server and launch the CORD-in-a-Box installer script on that node.

An example invocation:

./ wisconsin-clab acb1

The above example creates a slice called acb1 in the XOS project on the GENI Portal. It allocates a bare-metal server running Ubuntu 14.04 on the Wisconsin CloudLab cluster to this slice. (Substitute clemson-clab to use the Clemson cluster). Finally it installs CORD-in-a-Box on this node and saves the install logfile in ./logs.

Sample output:

*** Start: Fri Oct  7 10:27:01 EDT 2016
*** Creating slice acb1
*** Creating experiment on wisconsin-clab
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: notready)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: notready)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: notready)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: notready)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: notready)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: notready)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: notready)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: notready)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: notready)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
Waiting for experiment to be ready (status: changing)
*** Renewing experiment for 8 hours
*** Creating Ansible hosts file: hosts.wisconsin-clab.acb1
*** Running Ansible playbook

PLAY [all] ***********************************************

GATHERING FACTS ******************************************
ok: [node]

TASK: [Install mosh] *************************************
changed: [node]

TASK: [Download script] *****************
changed: [node]

TASK: [Run script] **********************
ok: [node]
<job 676245179570.116044> polling, 14340s remaining
ok: [node]
<job 676245179570.116044> polling, 14280s remaining
changed: [node]
<job 676245179570.116044> finished on node

TASK: [Fetch log] ****************************************
changed: [node]

PLAY RECAP ***********************************************
node                       : ok=6    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0

Note that the script will take 2.5 - 3 hours to fully complete. Be patient! However you should be able to safely suspend and resume your laptop while it runs.


In order to run this script you must:

  • Install the latest version of Omni. You may need to change the first couple of lines in the script to point to your Omni installation.
  • Gain membership in the XOS GENI project, or change the script to use your own project.
  • Download and install the proper GENI credentials so that you can run omni commands.
  • Install jq (on Mac: brew install jq)
  • Install ansible (on Mac:


Utilities for CORD development and testing







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