Source code for bird5eye: 2D radiative transfer in natural waters
Bandwith run: 'sing' = Single; 'spec' = Spectral;
Jerlov types: 'PW' = Pure Water; 'I'; 'IA'; 'IB'; 'II'; 'III'; '3C'; '5C'; '7C'; '9C'
Chlorophyl types: Choose 'Jerlov' for automatic assignment based on Jerlov type Choose 'PR' for Phil Roberts' assignments for Jerlov types IB, II, III Choose from Uitz' 9 stratified classes 'S1' to 'S9' Choose from Platt's Celtic Green Sea 'CG' or New England Harbour 'NE'
Phase functions: 'FF' = Fournier-Fourand 'AP' = 'Average Petzold' 'HG' = Henyey-Greenstein
Pure water absorption data: 'PS' = Prieur-Sathyendranath (1981), only between 400-700nm 'SB' = Smith-Baker (1981) 'PF' = Pope-Fry (1997)
To activate inelastic scattering: 'off' 'raman' for Raman inelastic scattering only (may be used with 'PW') 'fluo' for chl and cdom fluorescence (chlorophyll excitation: 370-690) 'all'
To use the classic or new IOP selection 'new' 'old'