This simple landing page & portfolio made with Next.js 13 with App Router
by Andrio Sirait
- Profile Page
- Resume Page
- Portfolio system with filter by Technology used and Platform, you can also add image and caption, tech stack used, role and demo access
- Customizeable
- Next.js 13 - The React Framework for the Web
- Tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup
- Type Writter JS - A simple JS plugin for cool typewritter effect
- Framer Motion - An animation library for React
│ # Page files
├─ src
| ├─ app
│ │ └── page.tsx # React pages
│ ├─ components
│ │ └── # React component files
│ └─ data
│ └── # data in JSON
└── public
Change Color
Open tailwind.config.js change all colors primary & background section
Change Data
We have 6 json file (profile, experiences, skills, portfolios, technologies, educations) you can change the object value by yourself, but remember not to change the object key
Coming Soon