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210 lines (198 loc) · 17.9 KB

Package details

Subscribed topics

Topic Name Message Type Topic Description
camera/command anafi_ros_interfaces/CameraCommand Camera zoom commands.
drone/command anafi_ros_interfaces/PilotingCommand Drone piloting commands.
drone/moveby anafi_ros_interfaces/MoveByCommand Move the drone by the given displacement and rotate by the given angle.
drone/moveto anafi_ros_interfaces/MoveToCommand Move the drone to the specified location.
gimbal/command anafi_ros_interfaces/GimbalCommand Gimbal attitude commands.

Published topics

Topic Name Message Type Frequency Values set/range Topic Description Units
battery/health std_msgs/UInt8 1 Hz [0: bad, 100: good] Battery health %
battery/percentage std_msgs/UInt8 30 Hz [0: empty, 100: full] Battery level %
battery/voltage std_msgs/Float32 1 Hz Battery voltage V
camera/awb_b_gain std_msgs/Float32 30 Hz Camera automatic white balance (AWB) blue gain
camera/awb_r_gain std_msgs/Float32 30 Hz Camera automatic white balance (AWB) red gain
camera/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo 30 Hz Main camera's info
camera/exposure_time std_msgs/Float32 30 Hz Exposure time of the main camera s
camera/image sensor_msgs/Image 30 Hz Image from the main front camera
camera/hfov std_msgs/Float32 30 Hz Camera's horizontal field of view º
camera/iso_gain std_msgs/UInt16 30 Hz Camera's sensitivity gain
camera/vfov std_msgs/Float32 30 Hz Camera's vertical field of view º
camera/zoom std_msgs/Float32 5 Hz Camera zoom level x
drone/altitude std_msgs/Float32 30 Hz > 0.0 Drone's ground distance m
drone/altitude_above_to std_msgs/Float32 5 Hz Drone's ground distance above the take-off point m
drone/attitude geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped 30 Hz Drone’s attitude in north-west-up frame
drone/gps/fix std_msgs/Bool 1 Hz {true: GPS is fixed, false: GPS is not fixed}
drone/gps/location sensor_msgs/NavSatFix 1 Hz Drone’s GPS location
drone/gps/satellites std_msgs/UInt8 Number of GPS satellites
drone/rpy geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped 30 Hz Drone’s roll, pitch and yaw in north-west-up frame º
drone/rpy_slow geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped Drone’s attitude
drone/speed geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped 30 Hz Drone's speed in body frame m/s
drone/steady std_msgs/Bool {true: the drone is steady, false: the drone is moving}
gimbal/attitude/absolute geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped 5 Hz Gimbal's attitude in north-west-up frame
home/location geometry_msgs/PointStamped Home location
link/goodput std_msgs/UInt16 30 Hz Connection throughput (available only for ANAFI 4K, Thermal and USA) b/s
link/quality std_msgs/UInt8 30 Hz [0: bad, 5: good] Link quality
link/rssi std_msgs/Int8 30 Hz [-100: bad, 0: good] Signal strength (available only for ANAFI 4K, Thermal and USA) dBm
skycontroller/attitude geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped 20 Hz SkyController's attitude in north-west-up frame
skycontroller/command anafi_ros_interfaces/SkycontrollerCommand 100 Hz Command from SkyController
skycontroller/rpy geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped 20 Hz SkyController's attitude in north-west-up frame º
storage/available std_msgs/UInt64 Available storage space B
target/trajectory anafi_ros_interfaces/TargetTrajectory Target estimated trajectory
time std_msgs/Time 30 Hz Drone's local time


Service name Service type Service description
camera/photo/stop anafi_ros_interfaces/srv/Photo stop photo capture
camera/photo/take anafi_ros_interfaces/srv/Photo take a photo
camera/recording/start anafi_ros_interfaces/srv/Recording start video recording
camera/recording/stop anafi_ros_interfaces/srv/Recording stop video recording
camera/reset std_srvs/srv/Trigger reset zoom level
drone/arm std_srvs/srv/SetBool {true: arm the drone, false: disarm the drone}
drone/calibrate std_srvs/srv/Trigger start drone's magnetometer calibration process
drone/emergency std_srvs/srv/Trigger cut out the motors
drone/halt std_srvs/srv/Trigger halt and start hovering
drone/land std_srvs/srv/Trigger land the drone
drone/reboot std_srvs/srv/Trigger reboot the drone
drone/rth std_srvs/srv/Trigger return home
drone/takeoff std_srvs/srv/Trigger take-off the drone
flightplan/pause std_srvs/srv/Trigger pause the flight plan
flightplan/start anafi_ros_interfaces/srv/FlightPlan start the flight plan based on the Mavlink file existing on the drone
flightplan/stop std_srvs/srv/Trigger stop the flight plan
flightplan/upload anafi_ros_interfaces/srv/FlightPlan upload the Mavlink file to the drone
followme/start anafi_ros_interfaces/srv/FollowMe start follow-me
followme/stop std_srvs/srv/Trigger stop follow-me
gimbal/calibrate std_srvs/srv/Trigger start gimbal calibration
gimbal/reset std_srvs/srv/Trigger reset the reference orientation of the gimbal
home/navigate std_srvs/srv/SetBool {true: start return home, false: stop return home} trigger navigate home
home/set anafi_ros_interfaces/srv/Location set the custom home location
POI/start anafi_ros_interfaces/srv/PilotedPOI start the piloted point of interest
POI/stop std_srvs/srv/Trigger stop the piloted point of interest
skycontroller/discover_drones std_srvs/srv/Trigger find all visible drones
skycontroller/forget_drone std_srvs/srv/Trigger forget the connected drone
skycontroller/offboard std_srvs/srv/SetBool {true: switch to offboard control, false: switch to manual control} change control mode
storage/download std_srvs/srv/SetBool {true: delete media after download, false: otherwise} download media from the drone
storage/format std_srvs/srv/Trigger format removable storage


Parameter name Type Default value Values set/range Parameter description Units
camera/autorecord bool false {true: enabled, false: disabled} auto record at take-off
camera/disparity_image bool false {true: stream disparity map image, false: stream RGB image}
camera/ev_compensation int 9 {0: -3.00, 3: -2.00, 6: -1.00, 9: 0.00, 12: 1.00, 15: 2.00, 18: 3.00} camera exposure compensation EV
camera/hdr bool true {true: enabled, false: disabled} high dynamic range (HDR) mode
camera/max_zoom_speed float 10.0 [0.1, 10.0] maximum zoom speed tan(º)/s
camera/mode int 0 {0: camera in recording mode, 1: camera in photo mode} camera mode
camera/stereo/disparity_map bool false {true: enabled, false: disabled} stream disparity map image (supported only by ANAFI Ai)
camera/stereo/obstacle_avoidance bool true {true: enabled, false: disabled} obstacle avoidance (supported only by ANAFI Ai)
camera/streaming int 0 {0: minimize latency with average reliability (best for piloting), 1: maximize reliability with an average latency, 2: maximize reliability using a frame-rate decimation} streaming mode
camera/style int 0 {0: natural look, 1: flat and desaturated images, best for post-processing, 2: intense - bright colors, warm shade, high contrast, 3: pastel - soft colors, cold shade, low contrast} images style
camera/thermal/rendering int 0 {0: visible, 1: thermal, 2: blended} thermal image rendering mode (supported only by ANAFI Thermal and ANAFI USA)
device/ip string "" IP address of the connected device
drone/banked_turn bool true {true: enabled, false: disabled} banked turn
drone/camera_operated bool false {true: commands relative to the camera pitch, false: otherwise}
drone/max_altitude float 2.0 [0.5, 4000.0] maximum altitude m
`drone/max_distance float 10.0 [10.0, 4000.0] maximum distance m
drone/max_horizontal_speed float 1.0 [0.1, 15.0] maximum horizontal speed m/s
drone/max_pitch_roll float 10.0 [1.0, 40.0] maximum pitch and roll angle º
drone/max_pitch_roll_rate float 200.0 [40.0, 300.0] maximum pitch and roll rotation speed º/s
drone/max_vertical_speed float 1.0 [0.1, 4.0] maximum vertical speed m/s
drone/max_yaw_rate float 180.0 [3.0, 200.0] maximum yaw rotation speed º/s
drone/model string {"4k", "thermal", "usa", "ai"} drone's model
drone/name string "[drone/model]_[device/ip]" drone's name
drone/offboard bool false {true: offboard control, false: manual control} enable offboard control mode
drone/serial string drone's serial number
gimbal/max_speed float 180.0 [1.0, 180.0] maximum gimbal speed º/s
home/autotrigger bool true {true: enabled, false: disabled} auto trigger return-to-home
home/ending_behavior int 1 {0: land, 1: hover} return-to-home ending behavior
home/hovering_altitude float 10.0 [1.0, 10.0] return-to-home ending hovering altitude m
home/min_altitude float 20.0 [20.0, 100.0] return-to-home minimum altitude m
home/precise bool true {true: enabled, false: disabled} precise return-to-home
home/type int 4 {1: take-off location, 3: user-set custom location, 4: pilot location} home type for return-to-home
link/wifi_key string WiFi key for the drone's access point (for direct connection to the drone)
storage/download_folder string "~/Pictures/Anafi" path to the download folder
storage/rest_api_version int 1 version of the REST API

Custom messages


  • Header header: header of the message
  • uint8 mode: control mode {0: level, 1: velocity}
  • float32 zoom: zoom command (x | x/s)


  • Header header: header of the message
  • uint8 mode: control mode {0: position, 1: velocity}
  • uint8 frame: gimbal's frame of reference {0: none, 1: relative, 2: absolute}
  • float32 roll: roll command (º | º/s)
  • float32 pitch: pitch command (º | º/s)
  • float32 yaw: pitch command (º | º/s)


  • Header header: header of the message
  • float32 dx: x displacement (m)
  • float32 dy: y displacement (m)
  • float32 dz: z displacement (m)
  • float32 dyaw: yaw displacement (º)


  • Header header: header of the message
  • float64 latitude: latitude (º)
  • float64 longitude: longitude (º)
  • float64 altitude: altitude (m)
  • float32 heading: heading w.r.t. North (º)
  • uint8 orientatio_mode: orientation mode {0: none, 1: to target, 2: heading start, 3: heading during}


  • Header header: header of the message
  • float32 roll: roll angle (º)
  • float32 pitch: pitch angle (º)
  • float32 yaw: yaw rate (º/s)
  • float32 gaz: vertical velocity (m/s)


  • Header header: header of the message
  • int8 x: x-axis [-100, 100] (%)
  • int8 y: y-axis [-100, 100] (%)
  • int8 z: z-axis [-100, 100] (%)
  • int8 yaw: yaw-axis [-100, 100] (%)
  • int8 camera: camera-axis [-100, 100] (%)
  • int8 zoom: zoom-axis [-100, 100] (%)
  • bool return_home: return-to-home (front top) button {true: pressed, false: not pressed}
  • bool takeoff_land: take-off/land (front bottom) button {true: pressed, false: not pressed}
  • bool reset_camera: reset camera (back left) button {true: pressed, false: not pressed}
  • bool reset_zoom: reset zoom (back right) button {true: pressed, false: not pressed}


  • Header header: header of the message
  • float64 latitude: target latitude (º)
  • float64 longitude: target longitude (º)
  • float32 altitude: target altitude (m)
  • float32 north_speed: target north speed (m/s)
  • float32 east_speed: target east speed (m/s)
  • float32 down_speed: target down speed (m/s)

Custom services


  • string file path to the flight plan file on local computer
  • string uid flight plan UID in drone's directory


  • uint8 mode follow me mode {0: none, 1: look at, 2: geographic, 3: relative, 4: leash}
  • int8 horizontal horizontal position in the video from left to right (%)
  • int8 vertical vertical position in the video from bottom to top (%)
  • float32 target_azimuth horizontal north-drone-target angle (rad)
  • float32 target_elevation vertical angle horizon-drone-target (rad)
  • float32 change_of_scale normalized relative radial speed (1/s)
  • uint8 confidence_index confidence index of the detection [0: worst, 255: best]
  • bool is_new_selection selection is new {true: new selection, false: old selection}


  • float64 latitude latitude (º)
  • float64 longitude longitude (º)
  • float64 altitude altitude (m)


  • float64 latitude latitude to look at (º)
  • float64 longitude longitude to look at (º)
  • float64 altitude altitude to look at (m)
  • bool locked_gimbal gimbal is locked {true: gimbal is locked on the point of interest, false: gimbal is freely controllable}


  • uint8 mode photo mode {0: single shot, 1: bracketing - burst of frames with a different exposure, 2: burst of frames, 3: time-lapse - frames at a regular time interval, 4: GPS-lapse - frames at a regular GPS position interval}
  • uint8 photo_format photo format {0: full resolution, not dewarped, 1: rectilinear projection, dewarped}
  • uint8 file_format file format {0: jpeg, 1: dng, 2: jpeg and dng}
  • string media_id media id


  • uint8 mode video recording mode {0: standard, 1: hyperlapse, 2: slow motion, 3: high-framerate}
  • string media_id media id