Date: 28/05/2014 Authors: E. Bodnari [[email protected]], A. Bratus [[email protected]]
The compiled code is porvided in the /bin directory and the source code under /src folder Documentation in the form of JavaDoc is available at /doc folder.
- Provided binaries can be run under Windows, Linux, Mac OS.
- Insalled JRE, version 1.6 or higher
- Locally running MongoDB Database, version 2.6.1
- Google API key, with YoutubeData API v3 and Freebase API permissions.
- Insert the Google APi Key in conf/youtube.properites file
- Start locally a mongoDB instance
- go to bin/ directory and run the "start" script. Application will start bind to the local ip-adress, accessible by the loopback adress, port 9000. (
To pass additional environmental variables to the application , use option -J-X:
db.host - specify not default address of the database ( db.port - specify not default port of the database (27017)
-To compile the application from the source code:
- Installed Java version 1.6+
- Installed Scala version 2.1+ libraries http://www.scala-lang.org/download/
- Installed Play Framework 2.2+ http://www.playframework.com/
- Go to the src folder and enter the Play Framework Console by typing: "play" in the command line
- In the play Console type: "dist", which will compile and prepare a distribution package