git clone [email protected]:andrewxu/vc.git
cd vc
- This will create symlinks in your HOME dir and checkout the initial Vundle plugin for vim and then open vim and install the other bundles. Make sure you've removed your existing .vimrc
and .vim/
- NERDTree Toggle\2
- TagBar
- Previous TabCtrl+f
- Next Tab
(Install & Update)\bc
- Vundle - Vundle is a plugin managemer similar to Pathogen
- Airline - Lean & Mean status bar
- NERDTree - A directory tree explorer for vim.
- NERDCommenter - A powerful plugin for commenting code
- Align - Plugin that is useful for aligning text
- Fugitive - An awesome Git wrapper
- CtrlP - Fuzzy Wuzzy search
- [FixWhitespace] ([email protected]:bronson/vim-trailing-whitespace.git) - Fixes whitespaces
- Tagbar - Lets you see functions, methods, and properties in your current file and jump to them.
- Syntastic - Adds smart parenthesis/brackets and a few other syntax tweaks to your files
- Html Annoyance - Fixes a few annoyances when editing HTML, paricularly the underline of anchor tages when they span multiple lines
- [AutoPairs] (git:// - auto pairs parenthesis
- [Twig] ( - Vim Twig syntax highlighting
- [VimLess] ( - Vim Less css syntax higlighting
- [MatchTagAlways] ( - matches html tags so it's easier to find
- [SumTool] ( - Sums up numbers in visual block selection
- [YouCompleteMe] ([email protected]:Valloric/YouCompleteMe.git) - Auto Complete