An in-depth documentation of the whole authentication process can be found at Authentication
Please note the samples are designed to be self contained to demonstrate hmac signature usage.
Samples directory contain sample code for the following languages:
This class is a helper that can generate required headers for a given value of API key and secret. It generates the following headers:
- Authorization
- Date
- x-mod-nonce
- x-mod-retry
To use this class instantiate it using your API key and secret.
ModulrApiAuth modulrAuth = new ModulrApiAuth("KNOWN-TOKEN", "SECRET-TOKEN");
`` Then use one of the generateXXX methods to get a map of headers with the header name as the key.
Map<String, String> headers = modulrAuth.generateApiAuthHeaders("NONCE"); // replace NONCE with correct nonce to be used
headers.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + ": " + value));
Map<String, String> headers = modulrAuth.generateRetryApiAuthHeaders(); // reuses the nonce used on the last generateApiAuthHeaders call
headers.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + ": " + value));
This class demonstrates how to use the ModulrApiAuth class.
This class is a helper that can generate required headers for a given value of API key and secret. It generates the following headers:
- Authorization
- Date
- x-mod-nonce
To use this class instantiate it using your API key and secret.
val signature = Singature(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
Then use the calculate() to get generated headers.
val result = signature.calculate()
val headers = result.headers
OR with a specific nonce and date
val date = Date.from(ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.parse("2016-07-25T16:36:07"), ZoneId.of("Z")).toInstant())
val result = signature.calculate("28154b2-9c62b93cc22a-24c9e2-5536d7d", date)
val headers = result.headers
This object demonstrates how to use the Signature class.
This class can generate required headers for a given value of API key and secret. It generates the following headers:
- Authorization
- Date
- x-mod-nonce
To use this class, instantiate it using your API key and secret.
const signatureHelper = new signature(API_KEY,API_SECRET);
Then use the calculate() to get generated headers.
var result = signatureHelper.calculate();
var headers = result.getHTTPHeaders();
OR with a specific nonce and date
var result = signatureHelper.calculate('28154b2-9c62b93cc22a-24c9e2-5536d7d','Mon, 25 Jul 2016 16:36:07 GMT');
var headers = result.getHTTPHeaders();
To run the sample, make sure that you have
- NodeJS installed
- Updated the API_KEY and API_SECRET in index.js to your API key and secret
Then call from your shell:
npm i
npm run start
This script is used to generate the Authorisation, Nonce and Date headers required to successfully call the Modulr Sandbox API using HMAC
In order to make use of this script, you will need to initialise the environment variables required first which are:
- api_key - defaulted to the api key Modulr will give you when you sign up for a sandbox account
- api_secret - defaulted to the api key Modulr will give you when you sign up for a sandbox account
- authorization - empty on default
- nonce - empty on default
- date - empty on default
For further information on environment variables in Postman, see
Once your variables have been set up, you should see something like this:
When creating a new http call, select the "Pre-request Script" tab and paste the pre-request-script.js file into the text area
Finally, create a new set of headers in the Headers tab in Postman:
they should look something like this:
Postman should now be set up to make HMAC requests to Modulr's Sandbox APIs
This sample is based on courtsey of vekerdyb
This class can generate required headers for a given value of API key and secret. It generates the following headers:
- Authorization
- Date
- x-mod-nonce
To use this class, instantiate it using your API key and secret.
signature = Signature(API_KEY,API_SECRET)
Then use the calculate() to get generated headers.
result = signature.calculate()
headers = result.get_http_headers()
OR with a specific nonce and date
result = signature.calculate('28154b2-9c62b93cc22a-24c9e2-5536d7d','Mon, 25 Jul 2016 16:36:07 GMT')
headers = result.get_http_headers()
To run the sample, make sure that you have
- Installed Requests: HTTP For Humans
- Updateded the API_KEY and API_SECRET in to your API key and secret
Then call from your shell:
python samples/python/
This class can generate required headers for a given value of API key and secret. It generates the following headers:
- Authorization
- Date
- x-mod-nonce
To use this class, instantiate it using your API key and secret.
signature = API_KEY, api_secret: API_SECRET)
Then use the calculate() to get generated headers.
result = signature.calculate
headers = result.headers
OR with a specific nonce and date
result = signature.calculate(nonce: '28154b2-9c62b93cc22a-24c9e2-5536d7d', timestamp: 'Mon, 25 Jul 2016 16:36:07 GMT')
headers = result.headers
To run the sample, make sure that you have
- Updateded the API_KEY and API_SECRET in example.rb to your API key and secret
Then call from your shell:
cd samples/ruby
bundle install
rake run
To compile and run the sample:
gcc -o sample sample.c ModulrApiAuth.c -lcrypto -lssl -lcurl
You will need to install the following libraries
- OpenSSL
- Libcurl
To install these in Ubuntu, for example:
sudo apt install libssl-dev
sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev
To compile and run the sample:
g++ -o sample sample.cpp ModulrApiAuth.cpp -lcrypto -lssl -lcurl
You will need to install the following libraries
- OpenSSL
- Libcurl
To install these in Ubuntu, for example:
sudo apt install libssl-dev
sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev
Note: These examples were written for .NET Core, but should be easy enough to port to .NET Framework.
This class is a helper that can generate the required headers for a given API key and secret. It generates the following headers:
- Authorization
- Date
- x-mod-nonce
- x-mod-retry
To use this class instantiate it using your API key and secret.
AuthHelper authHelper = new AuthHelper("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
Replacing "NONCE"
with the correct nonce to be used, call one of the GetHeaders
methods to get a dictionary of headers, with the header name as the key.
Dictionary<string, string> headers = authHelper.GetHeaders("NONCE");
This class gives a working example of how to use the AuthHelper
To run, replace the API key and secret with your values and then use dotnet run
or your prefered IDE.
This file generates the required headers outlined below for a given API key and secret
- Authorization
- Date
- x-mod-nonce
- x-mod-retry
To use this function, invoke it using your API key and secret. There's an example of this in main.go
headers, error := hmac.GenerateHeaders("API_KEY", "API_SECRET", "OPTIONAL_NONCE", false)
If successful, this will generate a standard map with the keys being the headers mentioned previously
for key, element := range headers {
fmt.Println(key, ":", element)