Objective of the game:
From humble beginnings, build an empire of train networks connecting supply cities with demand cities.
It is:
Time based (1 hr = cash rollover)
Resource management
What does a player do?
Spend money:
Build railway lines between cities
Maintenance of said lines
Upgrading trains on lines
Other costs: staff, security, rent, admin
Fuel, costs of operating trains
Fixing natural disasters/accidents
Make money
Passenger fares
Different kinds of trains:
Passenger trains
Luxury, economical
Freight trains
Different kinds of cargo allowed
A city has:
Population (= number of potential passengers)
Goods the city demands
Goods the city supplies
Player adjustable variables As a user, I want to ….. so that ….
- As a user, I want to create an account, so that my game is persisted across sessions
- As a user, I want to be able to log in to my account
- As a user,
User creates account, gives it a name
Name start city - “Andreville”
Build first train network
Earn cash
Spend cash
Build next network.. etc.
Buy next train