We're in 2023, computing has arrived to a level that even humans don't know what is real and what is not. Based on that, we thought to give a turn to Restb.ai API, that uses AI to classify real estate images in order to extract features from them. Using their API we tried to send not real images, but 3D generated plan (a frame or some frames) in order to extract those features before even the first brick is placed. Knowing that, the user can make changes to their ideas (appliances, number of rooms...) and know how much those changes affect the market price for their home.
For executing the web app, you need to have installed node.js
in your machine also with its package manager npm
Then, you have to install all the node necessary dependencies with: $ npm install
Also, for executing the python script that will process the images, you will need some ml packages detailed in the requirements.txt file.
When you have it all set up, you can execute the web app with: node index.js
and have fun predicting!
- Alexandru Cristian Stoia - @aleex0309
- Pere Muñoz Figuerol - @peremunoz
- Rafel Salgueiro Santacreu - @rafelsalgueiro
- Andreu Pérez Torra - @andreuperez