This repository is meant to be a walktrough guide for setting up an Ubuntu enviroment according to my personal preferences. It'll include things like, configurations, updates, installation processes, tweaking aronud and everything else that can be relevant for me to get up and running with Ubuntu.
I'm actually making this guide as I set up my fresh install of Ubuntu 15.04 on my notebook. This guide will not cover the process of installing the OS itself, there are enough sources on how to do that and the process is pretty much always the same. Also worth mentioning that this guide is focused on providing myself with a guide for a painless process of formating my drives in the future. It may contain very specific settings that'll serve myself only.
Well, there's a perfectly fine answer for that: I don't know how to make one of those fancy scripts. I could spend some time figuring out how to create some advanced way of getting my system going but I'm not even sure I can pull this walktrough off. I guess I might do something like that in the future. In the future.