A web app that lets you track and map places you have seen and one day want to see.
- Account creation/log in/log out
- Ability to create multiple "travelists", and define their name and description
- Ability to add multiple places to each travelist -- form offers autocomplete for places, and places are marked on the map interface
- Ability to add descriptions to places, which are visible when hovering over a place's marker on the map
- Ability to mark places as "Visited" which changes marker color on map from red to green
- Ability to delete places
- Running stats on each travelist, and all travelists as a whole (how many places visited, how many countries visited, etc)
- Sort table of places in a travelist
- Save your positioning and zoom level of a map
- Add ability to share travelists with other users
- RoR backend
- jQuery frontend
- Google Maps API/Google Places API