This repository holds various tutorials written in jupyter notebooks for various software repositories under the opencog organization.
Currently we have them here under one github repository, till the time comes when we have to move them to their corresponding repositories under their code base.
It's also possible to use docker to experiment with these tutorials. Be sure to install docker and docker-compose. And the follow the steps outlined below to get them running. First clone the repositories that you would like to experiment with
git clone
git clone
git clone
Add to your bashrc file the location of the cloned repositories above.
export OPENCOG_SOURCE_DIR=$HOME/path/to/opencog
export ATOMSPACE_SOURCE_DIR=$HOME/path/to/atomspace
export COGUTIL_SOURCE_DIR=$HOME/path/to/cogutil
Note since we are going to install it inside opencog.
git clone
cd docker/opencog
./docker-build -j
Then clone this repository in your prefered location.
git clone
Add to your bashrc configuration the location of the above file as in following line.
export OPENCOG_NOTEBOOKS=$HOME/path/to/opencog-tutorials
To run:
docker-compose -f opencog-jupyter.yml run --service-ports notes
This set of tutorials describe various libraries or functions that are done using opencog