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Rendering isolated references with a modified html formatter

András Simonyi edited this page Mar 15, 2024 · 1 revision

The following example shows how a new, slightly modified html formatter can be defined, registered, and used for rendering isolated references.

(require 'citeproc)

;; Create and register a 'modified-html' citeproc-el formatter 

(setq modified-html-alist
      (cons `(href . ,(lambda (x y) (concat "<a target=\'_blank\' href=\"" y "\">" x "</a>")))

(push `(modified-html . ,(citeproc-formatter-create
			:rt (citeproc-formatter-fun-create modified-html-alist)
			:bib #'citeproc-fmt--html-bib-formatter))

;; Use the created formatter to render some items' bib entries

(let* ((lg (citeproc-locale-getter-from-dir "/dir/to/csl_locales"))
       (style (citeproc-create-style "/path/to/style_to_use.csl" lg))
       (ig (citeproc-hash-itemgetter-from-any "/path/to/bibtex.bib"))
       (items (funcall ig (list "bibtex_key_1" "bibtex_key_2"))))
  (mapcar (lambda (item) (citeproc-render-item (cdr item) style 'bib 'modified-html))