Tool to automate Web actions using Cucumber/Gherkin features
Slumber (Selenium + Cucumber) is a tool that attempts to automate Web actions using Cucumber/Gherkin steps. For example, given this feature:
Feature: testing
Scenario: Browser testing
Given I open a browser
When I go to this URL
Then I should see "Google Home Logo"
And following parameters:
- Browser = Firefox
- Browser driver location = drivers/chromedriver
- Glue location = (leave blank by default)
- Feature location = features/
Then one can run Slumber by creating a JAR and passing below command:
java -jar -Dbrowser=FIREFOX -DdriverLocation=drivers/geckodriver -DcucumberGlueLocation= -DcucumberFeatureLocation=features slumber-1.0.jar
Slumber relies on web objects defined in objectLibrary.json, like the following:
"objectName": "Google Home Logo",
"objectType": "div",
"objectId": "hplogo",
"objectNgModel": "",
"objectNgClick": "",
"objectNgIf": "",
"objectHref": "",
"objectNameAttr": ""
Give it a try!