A development environment for Kirby using BrowserSync.
- Run a PHP and Webserver locally for development
- Website reloads automatically in development mode when you make any changes
- Upload your page with FTP
Just 2 steps:
Download the necessary node modules:
Runnpm install
from your command line in the project folder -
Download Kirby and put it in the same directory.
⚠️ There will be one issue: the filesREADME.md
(this file) and.gitignore
also exist in the Kirby installation. Don't overwrite these files with the ones from Kirby, as the .gitignore contains everything Kirby needs but alsonode_modules
(if anyone knows a better solution, let me know!) -
Ok, 3 steps: rename the file
⚠️ If you can't see it in Finder: it's a hidden file. Press Command+Shift+Dot in Finder to show hidden files.
Run gulp dev
from your command line in the project folder
Opens a browser with the website for local development. BrowserSync automatically reloads if you make changes to:
(CSS files, JS files, etc)/content
(Kirby content files)/site
(Kirby templates, snippets, plugins, etc)
Run gulp publish
from your command line in the project folder
Uploads the site to your FTP server. FTP settings are stored in .env
I'd like to include:
SASS or LESS to have cleaner CSS code
Webpack to have bundled code for deployment
Hot reloading of CSS changes
Make it easier to install, so you don't have to download Kirby manually
Maybe use GitHub Actions to automate build & deployment?
💡 Other ideas?