- Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Full time status
- First generation
- Number of credits is attemtping
- Number of courses retaken
- New student or not
- Number of developmental math courses
- Number of developmental english courses
- Course modularity
- Past dropout rate
- Dropout history for the last 3 semesters
- High school GPA if a student is new to college
- Last term cumulative GPA
Last term GPA- Average precentage of absences
- TODO: data from Canvas
Simply run the following command:
mlflow run ./src/get_data/
The data will be saved in data/raw/
To get the preprocessed data for week 10, simply run the following command:
mlflow run ./src/preprocess/ -P week_number=10
The preprocessed data named cleaned-10.csv
will be saved in data/processed/
- Decision Tree
- Gradient Boosting Decision Tree