This project provides a cross-platform command line interface for DNSimple. Specifically, it uses the DNSimple REST API via nodejs-dnsimple and its associated npm package dnsimple.
This project's command line interface is based on the azure-cli, although its features and functionality are entirely different and not related to azure whatsoever.
The release on npm is the latest stable version:
npm install -g dnsimple-cli
The code on Github is the most recent version, but can be unstable:
npm install anderly/dnsimple-cli
If you want to run dnsimple cli on Ubuntu, then you should install nodejs-legacy instead of nodejs. For more information please check the following links:
- why there is a problem with nodejs installation on ubuntu
- how to solve the nodejs installation problem on ubuntu
Please perform the installation steps in following order:
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
sudo apt-get install npm
npm install -g dnsimple-cli
To get the source code of the SDK via git just type:
git clone
cd ./dnsimple-cli
npm install
Just type dnsimple
or dns
at a command prompt to get started and see available commands. Please see the command reference and wiki for more details.
user@host:~$ dnsimple
info: _ _ _
info: | | (_) | |
info: __| |_ __ ___ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | | ___
info: / _` | '_ \/ __| | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \
info: | (_| | | | \__ \ | | | | | | |_) | | __/
info: \__,_|_| |_|___/_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___|
info: | |
info: |_|
info: DNSimple: We make DNS simple.
info: Tool version 0.3.0
help: Display help for a given command
help: help [options] [command]
help: Log in to a DNSimple account.
help: login [options]
help: Log out from DNSimple.
help: logout [options] [username]
help: Open the DNSimple portal in a browser
help: portal [options]
help: Commands:
help: account Commands to manage your account information
help: config Commands to manage your local settings
help: domain Commands to manage domains
help: contact Commands to manage your account contacts
help: service Commands to manage your domain services
help: template Commands to manage dns record templates
help: user Commands to manage your users
help: subscription Commands to manage account subscriptions
help: price Commands to view domain pricing
help: Options:
help: -h, --help output usage information
help: -v, --version output the application version
Authentication by email + password and email + token are both supported. If you authenticate using email + password, your account api token is retrieved and used for all subsequent calls. All credentials are securely stored in OS-specific secure credential stores such as OS X Keychain or Windows Credential Manager.
The DNSimple sandbox environment is supported in addition to production.
# This will prompt for your password in the console
dnsimple login -u <your dnsimple account email address>
# Specifying the -e --environment parameter allows you to login to the Sanbox enivonrment.
# Production is the default.
dnsimple login -u <your dnsimple account email address> -e Sandbox
dnsimple login -u <your dnsimple account email address> -t <your dnsimple account api token>
Once authenticated, you can begin using the following top-level command categories:
# Command Categories:
account Commands to manage your account information
domain Commands to manage domains
contact Commands to manage your account contacts
service Commands to manage your domain services
template Commands to manage dns record templates
user Commands to manage your users
subscription Commands to manage account subscriptions
price Commands to view domain pricing
Please see the command reference and wiki for more details.
You need to set the following environment variables to capture the HTTP traffic generated from the execution of dnsimple cli commands
Please see the command reference and wiki for details and examples of all commands.
For more information on the DNSimple REST API, please see the DNSimple API Documentation.
If you would like to contribute to this project please fork the repo and submit a PR with any contributions.
If you encounter any bugs with the library please file an issue in the Issues section of the project.