View the Release Notes to see change history.
Config settings, string.Format, email, SMS, push notifications, Facebook posts, Twitter posts, reports, the list goes on.
We work with strings every day and it isn't fun. Expansive changes that by making your strings readable, intuitive, smart and...expandable!
- Use as a more readable alternative to string.Format()
- Easily embed tokens in strings and expand them easily.
- Chain together tokens to reduce redundant values.
- Simple templating for emails, SMS, push notifications, Facebook posts, Twitter posts, reports, etc.
- Use your imagination.
- Uses a Func<string,string> lambda factory method as the source for token lookup/expansion
- By default string tokens are expanded using ConfigurationManager.AppSettings as the source (change this to your liking)
- Dynamic ConfigurationManager wrapper called Config wraps the Expansive API and removes need to call Expand()
- Register your own Func<string,string> ExpansionFactory as the default string expansion factory or specify on the call to Expand()
- 4 Token Style Formats to pick from:
- MvcRoute Style "{token}" (default)
- Razor Style "@token" or "@(token)"
- NAnt Style "${token}"
- MSBuild Style "$(token)"
- Set your TokenStyle format globally or on a per call basis on the call to Expand()
- Support for chained expansions from one token to another
Using NuGet:
Install-Package Expansive
Simply drop the code into your app and change it as you wish.
MvcRoute-style token
"Hello, {name}".Expand(n => "John")
// returns "Hello, John"
Razor-style token
"Hello, @name".Expand(n => "John")
// returns "Hello, John"
"Hello, @(name)".Expand(n => "John")
// returns "Hello, John"
NAnt-style token
"Hello, ${name}".Expand(n => "John")
// returns "Hello, John"
MSBuild-style token
"Hello, $(name)".Expand(n => "John")
// returns "Hello, John"
One token (MvcRoute-style)
"Hello, {name}".Expand("John")
// returns "Hello, John"
Two tokens (MvcRoute-style)
"Hello, {firstName} {lastName}".Expand("John","Smith")
// returns "Hello, John Smith"
3 tokens (MvcRoute-style), 2 single tokens, 1 composite token
var firstName = "John";
var lastName = "Smith";
var fullName = "{firstName} {lastName}";
"Your first name is {firstName}. Your last name is {lastName}. Your full name is {fullName}".Expand(fullName, lastName, fullName)
// returns "Your first name is John. Your last name is Smith. Your full name is John Smith"
In app.config:
<add key="KeyForAppSetting1" value="ValueForAppSetting1"/>
Use the .Expand() extension method explicitly on the string to be expanded:
"{KeyForAppSetting1} should be inserted here.".Expand();
// returns "ValueForAppSetting1 should be inserted here."
In app.config:
<add key="Domain" value=""/>
<add key="ServerName" value="db01.{Domain}"/>
<add name="Default" connectionString="server={ServerName};uid=uid;pwd=pwd;Initial Catalog=master;" provider="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Use the .Expand() extension method on the string to be expanded:
var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Default"].ConnectionString;
connectionString.Expand() // returns ";uid=uid;pwd=pwd;Initial Catalog=master;"
Use the Dynamic ConfigurationManager wrapper "Config" as follows (Explicit call to Expand() not necessary):
var serverName = Config.AppSettings.ServerName;
// returns ""
var connectionString = Config.ConnectionStrings.Default;
// returns ";uid=uid;pwd=pwd;Initial Catalog=master;"
In app.config:
<add key="Environment" value="dev"/>
<add key="Domain" value=""/>
<add key="UserId" value="uid"/>
<add key="Password" value="pwd"/>
<add key="ServerName" value="db01-{Environment}.{Domain}"/>
<add key="ReportPath" value="\\{ServerName}\SomeFileShare"/>
<add name="Default" connectionString="server={ServerName};uid={UserId};pwd={Password};Initial Catalog=master;" provider="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Use the .Expand() extension method on the string to be expanded:
var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Default"].ConnectionString;
connectionString.Expand() // returns ";uid=uid;pwd=pwd;Initial Catalog=master;"
var tokenValueDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{"setting1","The quick"}
,{"setting2","{setting1} brown fox"}
,{"setting3","jumped over"}
,{"setting4","{setting2} {setting3} the lazy dog."}
Expansive.DefaultExpansionFactory = name => tokenValueDictionary[name];
//returns "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
// Here, we specify the token expansion factory on the call to Expand()
Console.WriteLine("{setting5}".Expand(name => tokenValueDictionary[name]));
//returns "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
var model = new { FirstName = "John" };
// MvcRoute-Style (default)
var mvcRouteStyleString = "Hello, {FirstName}".Expand(model);
// Razor-Style
Expansive.DefaultTokenStyle = TokenStyle.Razor;
var razorStyleString = "Hello, @FirstName".Expand(model);
// NAnt-Style
Expansive.DefaultTokenStyle = TokenStyle.NAnt;
var nantStyleString = "Hello, ${FirstName}".Expand(model);
// MSBuild-Style
Expansive.DefaultTokenStyle = TokenStyle.MSBuild;
var msBuildStyleString = "Hello, $(FirstName)".Expand(model);
// All return "Hello, John"
var model = new {
FirstName = "John",
LastName = "Smith",
FullName = "{FirstName} {LastName}"
// Returns "FullName:John Smith"
var model1 = new {
FirstName = "John",
LastName = "Smith",
FullName = "{FirstName} {LastName}"
var model2 = new {
EmailAddress = "[email protected]"
"FullName:{FullName} ({EmailAddress})".Expand(model1, model2);
// Returns "FullName:John Smith ([email protected])"
Copyright 2011 Adam Anderly