I'm a software developer just getting started! I'm passionate about topics such as web development, ML, and cybersecurity, and constantly seeking ways to improve my skills and learn new technologies.
I'm always looking for opportunities to learn and grow in my field. I'm currently studying JavaScript, CSS, and Microsoft's ASP.NET Core to enhance my skills and stay updated with the latest industry trends.
I have experience working with a variety of programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Here are some of the technologies I'm proficient in with examples of my work:
- C++, JavaScript, Python
- ASP.NET Core, Ruby on Rails
- MSSQL, PostgreSQL
- VS IDE, VS Code
If you'd like to get in touch with me, you can catch me over at LinkedIn. I'm always open to discuss new projects, collaborations, or simply chat about our mutual interests!
Thanks for visiting my profile! I look forward to connecting with you soon!