This repo is a de-identified version of the project I worked on with the Center for U.S. Latino HIV/AIDs Substance Abuse (CRUSADA) organization.
This project contains useful R function such as wrangling, merging, and pivoting multiple data sets. This repo also contains some basic analytical skills needed to perform exploratory analysis on repeated measures data.
This repo is very beginner R friendly and packages from the Tidyverse, Flextables, and Haven!
in this repo you will find three main files, each of which have different stages of this project:
has some simple data explorationbivariate-full-creation
is the beginging stages of a Bivariate vs. full model tableraw-tables
is the raw output of flextables created from the model
Since a lot of the code used in this project is beginner friendly, Please feel free to use any of the code in this repo to start your data analyst journey. Feedback is welcome!