- Load multiple property files
- Recursively define properties (Similar to PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer) in spring which lets you use
to refer to already defined property) - Placeholders are also resolved using env variables, like the spring property loader does, if the class is instantiated with the
argument (defaults to false for backward compatibility)
Available on PyPI
pip install property
foo = I am awesome
bar = ${chocolate}-bar
chocolate = fudge
long = a very long property that is described in the property file which takes up \
multiple lines can be defined by the escape character as it is done here
unresolved = ${HOME}/files/${id}/${bar}/
fname_template = /opt/myapp/{arch}/ext/{objid}.dat
from properties.p import Property
## set use_env to evaluate properties from shell / os environment
prop = Property(use_env = True)
dic_prop = prop.load_property_files('my_file.properties')
## Read multiple files
## dic_prop = prop.load_property_files('file1', 'file2')
# Output
# {'foo': 'I am awesome', 'bar': 'fudge-bar', 'chocolate': 'fudge',
# 'long': 'a very long property that is described in the property file which takes up multiple lines
# can be defined by the escape character as it is done here', 'url': 'example.com/api?auth_token=xyz',
# 'user_dir': '/home/user/test',
# 'unresolved': '/home/user/files/${id}/fudge-bar/',
# 'fname_template': '/opt/myapp/{arch}/ext/{objid}.dat'}
git clone https://github.com/anandjoshi91/pythonpropertyfileloader.git
cd pythonpropertyfileloader
## make your changes and open a PR - https://github.com/anandjoshi91/pythonpropertyfileloader/pulls
## Ensure all tests pass
## Check Dependencies
pip install pipreqs
pipreqs .
## Test
pip install pytest
## Publish to PyPi
pip install twine
update setup.py
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine check dist/*
twine upload dist/*