A crossplatform app designed to get news after every 1 hour, It is linked to firebase services at backend.
- Flutter installed on your system
- IDE (preferrably VS Code but sometimes exceptions are thrown that can be easily handled by Android Studios)
- Emulator or Physical Device for debugging
- Firebase project
- Download the project or clone it
- Add an emulator or any physical device in developer mode for debugging
- Run the main.dart file
- To make changes to login sysytem or user level the app should be connected to firebase services hence firebase project need to be there
- Run flutter pub get command on your terminal
Package Requirement: firebase_auth (for Firebase authentication) & google_sign_in (to implement Google sign-in)
SHA Key is added in the Firebase project for authenticating client (for Debug Mode)
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/android/guides/client-auth
For Google Sign in Button flutter_auth_buttons is used.
- Get latest 1 hour news refreshed every time.
- Firebase authentication login and Registration,Google Sign in (Google sign in implemented by Aman Anand)
- Sharing of news via any sharing medium
- Bookmark feature (implemented by Aman Anand)
- Multilingual news (implemented by Aman Anand)(We have temporarily discarded this feature because we were using a demo api for this and now the site which provides api is down and other services are paid, so whenever we'll find a replacement of existing api,this feature will be added on)
- Categorized news (implemented by Tanvi Battu)
- Animation(including UI, Navigation,Naviagtion bar)(implemented by Tanvi Battu)
- Recommended for you feature.