This project is an Alfresco Benchmark Driver that tests the V1 Rest API endpoints
git clone
Setup a local mongo server
Install the mongo server mongo version: 3.2. It will not work with newer versions! (For mac users can be found here to download)
Start mongo: windows: /Server/3.2/bin/mongod.exe --dbpath --storageEngine=mmapv1 mac os: /bin/mongod
Install a client for mongoDB : ex
Check availability of MongoDB server
mongo \<mongo-host\> exit
Build and start the benchmark server
checkout and build it with "mvn clean install" start it with "mvn tomcat7:run"
Build driver
mvn clean install
Start driver
mvn tomcat7:run
5.Access server UI
Browse to http://localhost:9080/alfresco-benchmark-server
6.Create a Test
Click [+] if not presented with "Create Test" options.
Fill in test details:
- Test Name: MyFirstTest01
- Test Description: Getting started
- Test Definition: alfresco-benchmark-v1-dataload-xxx
Click "Ok".
7.Edit test properties
It is a requirement that all test runs get told where to store the generated results.
Change property "" to your \<mongo-host\>
Click: "MyFirstTest01" on top left
8.Create a Test Run
Click [+] if not presented with "Create Test Run" options.
Fill in test run details:
- Test run name: 01
Click "Ok".
9.Start the Test Run
Click "Play" button next to Test Run "01".
The progress bar will auto-refresh as the test run completion estimate changes.
10.Download results
At any time - usually when the test run completes - click through on the test run.
Click the download button and open the CSV file in a spreadsheet.