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SVG to React Loader

A Webpack Loader to turn SVGs into React Components


A webpack loader allowing for inline usage of a SVG as a React component, or for composing individual SVGs into larger ones.

The latest version has been refactored to allow for receiving an SVG/XML string or an JSON object-tree representing an SVG. This allows for other loaders before svg-react to alter/update/remove nodes before reaching svg-react.

In addition, the new filters API allows for additional ways to modify the generated SVG Component. This allows svg-react to also be used as a pre-loader (with filters and raw=true params) for modifying SVGs before they are acted on by the loader version of svg-react.

There is a filter which creates 'unique' IDs and mask, fill, and xlink:href references to those IDs by prefixing the SVG filename. This solves a common problem encountered when loading multiple SVGs onto the same page: if the IDs within the different SVGs are the same, there will be ID collisions which will cause a variety of issues with the rendering of the SVG components. Although there are plugins available for SVGO designed to solve this problem, the solution implemented here provides another way to avoid ID collision issues on SVGs.


As of version 0.4.0, svg-react-loader no longer requires babel to transpile the generated code. Everything is returned as an ES5-7 compatible module, and the component is just a function. With that, it only works with React@>=0.14


% npm install --save-dev svg-react-loader


ES6+ (Assuming a babel-loader is used on /\.jsx?$/ files):

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Icon from 'svg-react-loader?name=Icon!../svg/my-icon.svg';

export default class MyIcon extends Component {
    render () {
        return <Icon className='normal' />;


var React = require('react');
var Icon = require('svg-react-loader?name=Icon!../svg/my-icon.svg');

module.exports = React.createClass({
    render () {
        return React.createElement(Icon, { className: 'normal' });


Query Params

Query params can be used on the loader path, or on the resource's path. Those on the resource will override those given for the loader.

  • name: displayName to use for the compiled component. Defaults to using the resource's file name, capitalized and camelCased. ex. "?name=MyIcon"

  • tag: Override the root-level tag name.

  • props: Attributes to apply to the root-level tag. If a certain attribute is already assigned to the tag, the value here will override that.

  • attrs: Alias for props

  • filters: If given on the query string, it is a list of module names, or filepaths, to load as filter functions. If given in the webpack config as a svgReactLoader.filters, or as query.filters for the loader configuration object, it is an array of functions.

  • classIdPrefix: A string to prefix all class or id selectors in found style blocks, or within className properties, with. If indicated without a string, the file's basename will be used as a prefix.

  • uniqueIdPrefix: When set to true will prefix the filename to the IDs and references within the SVG, solving the problem of ID collision when multiple SVGs are used on the same page.

  • raw: If set to true will output the parsed object tree repesenting the SVG as a JSON string. Otherwise, returns a string of JavaScript that represents the component's module.

  • propsMap: If given on the query string, it is an array of colon separated propname:translatedname pairs. If given in the webpack configuration as svgReactLoader.propsMap, or in an object query for the loader configuration, is a simple object of propname: 'translatedname'

  • xmlnsTest: A regular expression used to remove non-supported xmlns attributes. Default is /^xmlns(Xlink)?$/

  • titleCaseDelim: A regular expression used to generate component's name. It would be ignore if name was set. Default is /[._-]/


// webpack configuration
module: {
    loaders: [
            test: /\.svg$/,
            exclude: /node_modules/,
            loader: 'svg-react-loader',
            query: {
                classIdPrefix: '[name]-[hash:8]__',
                uniqueIdPrefix: true,
                filters: [
                    function (value) {
                        // ...
                propsMap: {
                    fillRule: 'fill-rule',
                    foo: 'bar'
                xmlnsTest: /^xmlns.*$/

// Resource paths
import MyIcon from 'svg-react-loader?name=MyIcon!../svg/icon.svg';
import MyIcon from 'svg-react-loader?tag=symbol!../svg/icon.svg';
import MyIcon from 'svg-react-loader?tag=symbol&props[]=id:my-icon?../svg/icon.svg';
import MyIcon from 'svg-react-loader?filters[]=./my-filter.js!../svg/icon.svg';

Object Tree API

Internally, svg-react-loader converts the given SVG/XML into an object tree that looks something like:

    "tagname": "svg",
    "props": {
        "xmlns": "",
        "xmlns:xlink": "",
        "viewBox": "0 0 16 16",
        "enable-background": "new 0 0 16 16",
        "xml:space": "preserve"
    "children": [
            "tagname": "rect",
            "props": {
                "x": "0",
                "y": "0",
                "width": "16",
                "height": "16",
                "fill": "#fff"
            "tagname": "text",
            "children": ["Foobar"]

It then uses a variety of filters to modify the tree to conform to how React expects to see props, styles, etc...

If svg-react-loader receives a JSON string instead of string of SVG/XML, it expects to receive it in the above format (i.e.: objects with properties 'tagname', 'props', and 'children'). Children is always an array (unless empty), and children can be objects with the mentioned props, or a plain string (for text nodes).


A filter is just a function that accepts one value, and it has the same this context as the traverse API.

svg-react-loader is really just a series of filters applied to a parsed SVG/XML, or JSON, string and then regenerated as a string to form a React functional component.

Review lib/sanitize/filters for some examples.

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Webpack SVG to React Component Loader







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