Install dependencies:
yarn install
Run the tests:
yarn test
Run the application:
yarn start
Visit http://localhost:3020 to view the application in the browser.
NameDirectory Parent component responsible for holding the employee name list in its state. Starts off with 2 employee names already in the state. Function setName receives new employee names from NameInput component, and function deleteName can delete an employee name from the name list. Employee names are alphabetized as they are sent to NameList child component.
NameInput Child component responsible for taking input of a new employee name and email address, and sending it to NameDirectory. Validation on the employee name input field will allow only letters, spaces, apostrophe or hyphens (no numbers). No validation on email field, and email can be left blank.
NameList Child component responsible for iterating and displaying the list of employee names, plus a button to delete each name.
Title Renders the page title.