A new Flutter project.
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
There is an assignment assigned to selected candidates by the client. Objective
Develop a Flutter application using the Provider package for state management. The application should be capable of running on both web and mobile platforms. Additionally, the application must include unit and widget test cases, and demonstrate the use of the RenderBox class.
Application Overview
Create a simple Flutter application called "Item Tracker". This application will allow users to add, edit, and remove items from a list. Each item will have a name and a description. The application should manage its state using the Provider package.
1.Add an item with a name and description. 2.Edit an item. 3.Remove an item. 4.Display a list of items. 5.Use RenderBox to calculate the size and position of the widgets.
*** •Use Provider for state management.
- •Include unit tests for your business logic.
- •Include widget tests for your UI.
- •Use RenderBox to measure and position one of the widgets.
- • Ensure the app is responsive and works on both web and mobile platforms.**