- ratatar
Displays this help message.
Invokes one of the subcommands outlined below.
- index
Reads a tar file from standard input, generates an index for
its content and writes it to standard output.
Uses the index file to extract a file from a tar archive.
- help
Displays this help message.
Alessandro Motta <[email protected]>
- Generating an index file during tarring
tar cf - /home/amotta | tee >(ratatar index > backup.tar.index) > backup.tar
- Generating an index file for an existing tar archive
ratatar index < backup.tar > backup.tar.index
- Extracting a file from a tar archive
ratatar extract backup.tar girl-with-hair-ribbon.png extracted.png
- Displaying the content a file from a tar archive
ratatar extract backup.tar todo.txt -