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amostof authored Feb 7, 2023
1 parent 227678e commit b34d991
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions _includes/about.html
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41.984375 84.050781 L 67.871094 76.929688 L 67.871094 164.3125 M 104.738281 79.414062 L 104.738281 139.214844 C 104.738281 140.875 105.058594 142.4375 105.699219 143.90625 C 106.339844 145.375 107.226562 146.640625 108.355469 147.695312 C 109.488281 148.75 110.804688 149.597656 112.3125 150.238281 C 113.820312 150.878906 115.441406 151.199219 117.175781 151.199219 C 119.132812 151.199219 121.359375 150.101562 124.070312 148.203125 C 128.363281 145.195312 130.964844 143.128906 130.964844 140.683594 C 130.964844 140.097656 130.964844 79.414062 130.964844 79.414062 L 156.738281 79.414062 L 156.738281 164.3125 L 130.964844 164.3125 L 130.964844 156.398438 C 127.574219 159.261719 123.957031 161.558594 120.113281 163.292969 C 116.269531 165.027344 112.539062 165.894531 108.921875 165.894531 C 104.703125 165.894531 100.78125 165.195312 97.164062 163.800781 C 93.546875 162.40625 90.382812 160.503906 87.671875 158.09375 C 84.957031 155.683594 82.828125 152.855469 81.28125 149.613281 C 79.738281 146.375 78.964844 142.90625 78.964844 139.214844 L 78.964844 79.414062 L 104.738281 79.414062 M 192.882812 164.3125 L 167.222656 164.3125 L 167.222656 45.277344 L 192.882812 38.15625 L 192.882812 164.3125 M 203.601562 84.050781 L 229.375 76.929688 L 229.375 164.3125 L 203.601562 164.3125 L 203.601562 84.050781 M 283.226562 120.449219 C 280.738281 121.507812 278.230469 122.730469 275.707031 124.125 C 273.183594 125.519531 270.882812 127.046875 268.8125 128.703125 C 266.738281 130.359375 265.0625 132.132812 263.78125 134.015625 C 262.5 135.898438 261.859375 137.859375 261.859375 139.894531 C 261.859375 141.476562 262.066406 143.003906 262.480469 144.472656 C 262.894531 145.941406 263.480469 147.203125 264.234375 148.257812 C 264.988281 149.3125 265.816406 150.160156 266.722656 150.800781 C 267.625 151.441406 268.605469 151.761719 269.660156 151.761719 C 271.769531 151.761719 273.898438 151.121094 276.046875 149.839844 C 278.195312 148.558594 280.585938 146.941406 283.226562 144.980469 L 283.226562 120.449219 M 309.109375 164.3125 L 283.226562 164.3125 L 283.226562 157.527344 C 281.792969 158.734375 280.398438 159.847656 279.042969 160.863281 C 277.6875 161.878906 276.160156 162.765625 274.464844 163.519531 C 272.769531 164.273438 270.867188 164.855469 268.753906 165.273438 C 266.644531 165.6875 264.15625 165.894531 261.296875 165.894531 C 257.375 165.894531 253.851562 165.328125 250.726562 164.199219 C 247.597656 163.066406 244.941406 161.523438 242.757812 159.5625 C 240.570312 157.605469 238.894531 155.285156 237.726562 152.609375 C 236.558594 149.9375 235.972656 147.015625 235.972656 143.851562 C 235.972656 140.609375 236.59375 137.671875 237.839844 135.03125 C 239.082031 132.394531 240.777344 130.023438 242.925781 127.910156 C 245.074219 125.800781 247.578125 123.917969 250.441406 122.257812 C 253.304688 120.601562 256.378906 119.074219 259.65625 117.679688 C 262.933594 116.285156 266.34375 115.007812 269.886719 113.839844 C 273.425781 112.671875 276.933594 111.558594 280.398438 110.503906 L 283.226562 109.824219 L 283.226562 101.460938 C 283.226562 96.035156 282.1875 92.191406 280.117188 89.929688 C 278.042969 87.667969 275.273438 86.539062 271.808594 86.539062 C 267.738281 86.539062 264.910156 87.519531 263.328125 89.476562 C 261.746094 91.4375 260.953125 93.808594 260.953125 96.597656 C 260.953125 98.179688 260.785156 99.726562 260.445312 101.234375 C 260.109375 102.742188 259.523438 104.058594 258.695312 105.191406 C 257.867188 106.320312 256.679688 107.226562 255.132812 107.902344 C 253.589844 108.582031 251.648438 108.921875 249.3125 108.921875 C 245.695312 108.921875 242.757812 107.882812 240.496094 105.8125 C 238.234375 103.738281 237.105469 101.121094 237.105469 97.953125 C 237.105469 95.015625 238.101562 92.285156 240.097656 89.761719 C 242.097656 87.234375 244.789062 85.066406 248.183594 83.261719 C 251.574219 81.449219 255.492188 80.019531 259.9375 78.964844 C 264.382812 77.910156 269.09375 77.382812 274.066406 77.382812 C 280.171875 77.382812 285.429688 77.929688 289.839844 79.019531 C 294.246094 80.113281 297.882812 81.675781 300.746094 83.710938 C 303.609375 85.746094 305.71875 88.195312 307.074219 91.058594 C 308.433594 93.921875 309.109375 97.128906 309.109375 100.667969 L 309.109375 164.3125"/><path fill="#CB3C33" fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="#eee" stroke-width="2" d="M 235.273438 55.089844 C 235.273438 64.757812 227.4375 72.589844 217.773438 72.589844 C 208.105469 72.589844 200.273438 64.757812 200.273438 55.089844 C 200.273438 45.425781 208.105469 37.589844 217.773438 37.589844 C 227.4375 37.589844 235.273438 45.425781 235.273438 55.089844"/><path fill="#4063D8" fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="#eee" stroke-width="2" d="M 72.953125 55.089844 C 72.953125 64.757812 65.117188 72.589844 55.453125 72.589844 C 45.789062 72.589844 37.953125 64.757812 37.953125 55.089844 C 37.953125 45.425781 45.789062 37.589844 55.453125 37.589844 C 65.117188 37.589844 72.953125 45.425781 72.953125 55.089844"/><path fill="#9558B2" fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="#eee" stroke-width="2" d="M 277.320312 55.089844 C 277.320312 64.757812 269.484375 72.589844 259.820312 72.589844 C 250.15625 72.589844 242.320312 64.757812 242.320312 55.089844 C 242.320312 45.425781 250.15625 37.589844 259.820312 37.589844 C 269.484375 37.589844 277.320312 45.425781 277.320312 55.089844"/><path fill="#389826" fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="#eee" stroke-width="2" d="M 256.300781 18.671875 C 256.300781 28.335938 248.464844 36.171875 238.800781 36.171875 C 229.132812 36.171875 221.300781 28.335938 221.300781 18.671875 C 221.300781 9.007812 229.132812 1.171875 238.800781 1.171875 C 248.464844 1.171875 256.300781 9.007812 256.300781 18.671875"/></g>
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