This repository contains a set of sims_maf ipython notebooks, demonstrating various uses and capabilities of MAF.
Most of these notebooks assume you have installed and setup the LSST simulations package (sims_maf version >= 1.0). For instructions on installing and setting up MAF see here:
These notebooks require the OpSim sqlite database enigma_1189_sqlite.db, it can be downloaded from here:
- IntroductionNotebook.v3.ipynb: Our introductory notebook, including installation instructions.
- Slicers.v3.ipynb: Shows how the same metric can be run with three different slicers to produce different outputs.
- TestNotebook.v3.ipynb: Test that ipython is working and you can load the MAF modules. (Optional notebook, could be useful if you are wondering about ipython and your notebook environment).
- Stackers.v3.ipynb: Example of calculating and adding a new column to the OpSim output "on-the-fly" with MAF. Here, we calculate the hour angle of each pointing and then look at the distribution. The Dithers notebook (below) may also be helpful to understand Stackers.
- UsingMetricBundleData.v3.ipynb: Example of restoring analysis results from disk, and then adjusting and combining plots. The data used in this notebook can be generated by the NVisitsCoadd_AllFilters_DitherComparison.v3.ipynb notebook.
- WritingNewMetric.v3.ipynb: A guide on how you can write and add your own algorithm into MAF by sub-classing an existing metric.
- DepthGoodSeeing.v3.ipynb: Using SQL constraints to compare coadded depth and coadded depth of only visits taken under good seeing conditions.
- DepthPerYear.v3.ipynb: An example of using SQL constraints to see the evolution of the coadded depth through the survey.
- Dithers.v3.ipynb: MAF includes several potential dithering schemes. This notebook demonstrates those dither patterns and compares their effect on the resulting power spectrum.
- NVisitsCoadd_AllFilters_DitherComparison.v3.ipynb: Examines the number of visits in each filter as well as comparing dithered and undithered surveys, with various plotting schemes. The results of this notebook can also be examined at
- AstrometryMetrics.v3.ipynb: Example of running our proper motion and parallax metrics.
- Solar System metrics Prototype of solar system style metrics, available from the MafSSO repository.
- TransientMetric.v3.ipynb: Example of our transient metric where you can set a simple transient light-curve shape and set a variety of detection criteria to measure the fraction of such transients LSST can recover.
- Our variable metrics are in the sims_maf_contrib repo. A notebook example of them can be found here.
- Time delay lens challenge metrics are in the sims_maf_contrib repo. A notebook example of them can be found here.
- Completeness_complexMetric.v3.ipynb: An example of the completeness metric which measures how many observations a field received compared to how many were requested.