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AmneziaWG exporter

AmneziaWG exporter is a Prometheus exporter for gathering AmneziaWG client connection metrics.

Features and limitations

Client identification

amneziawg-exporter can optionally identify WireGuard clients using a client table. If this feature is enabled, clients are identified by their names; otherwise, they are marked as "unidentified."

Operating modes

amneziawg-exporter has three operating modes (AWG_EXPORTER_OPS_MODE environment variable):

  • http - Run an HTTP server on AWG_EXPORTER_HTTP_PORT to make metrics accessible, like most exporters. Default
  • metricsfile - Write metrics to AWG_EXPORTER_METRICS_FILE instead of serving them on an HTTP port.
  • oneshot - Same as in metricsfile mode, but the service creates a metrics file and then shuts down. In Docker, you can use a volume to save the file on disk. It can then be used by node-exporter to serve your exporter metrics.
  • grafana_cloud - Sends metrics directly to Grafana Cloud using the provided API URL and token.


Open this link to read more about the textfile collector.


The following environment variables can be used to configure amneziawg-exporter.

Variable Name Default Value Description
AWG_EXPORTER_SCRAPE_INTERVAL 60 Interval for scraping WireGuard metrics (for the http mode).
AWG_EXPORTER_HTTP_PORT 9351 Port for HTTP service.
AWG_EXPORTER_LISTEN_ADDR Listen address for HTTP service.
AWG_EXPORTER_METRICS_FILE /tmp/prometheus/awg.prom Path to the metrics file for Node exporter textfile collector.
AWG_EXPORTER_OPS_MODE http Operation mode for the exporter (http, metricsfile, oneshot or grafana_cloud).
AWG_EXPORTER_AWG_SHOW_EXEC "awg show" Command to run the awg show command.
AWG_GRAFANA_WRITE_URL URL for sending metrics to Grafana Cloud (for grafana_cloud mode).
AWG_GRAFANA_WRITE_TOKEN Authorization token for Grafana Cloud (for grafana_cloud mode).
AWG_GRAFANA_ADDITIONAL_LABELS Additional labels to add when sending metrics to Grafana Cloud.


Metric name Labels Description
awg_current_online Current number of online users.
awg_dau Daily active users.
awg_status Exporter status. 1 - OK, 0 - not OK

Docker image

The Docker image is built using the Dockerfile available in this repository. You can easily obtain it from DockerHub by running the command docker pull amneziavpn/amneziawg-exporter.

Example usage

You can use example docker-compose.yml with Docker Compose v2 to run AmneziaWG exporter:

# docker compose up -d
[+] Running 1/1
 ✔ Container amneziawg-exporter  Started                                                                                                                  0.2s 
# docker compose ps
NAME                 IMAGE                                          COMMAND                         SERVICE              CREATED          STATUS          PORTS
amneziawg-exporter   amneziavpn/amneziawg-exporter:latest           "/usr/bin/amneziawg-exporter"   amneziawg-exporter   23 seconds ago   Up 23 seconds


Run docker compose build before, if you want to build image by yourself.