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This is the GkeyllZero layer of the Gkeyll code. The name is pronounced as in the book "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" which is required reading for all members of the Gkeyll Team. GkeyllZero is written in C (and some C++ for GPUs). GkeyllZero is developed at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and is copyrighted 2020-2023 by Ammar Hakim and the Gkeyll Team.

NOTE: Though the code is called "Gkeyll" and "GkeyllZero" we use the prefix "gkyl" in the source code itself. This may be confusing at first but one gets used to it.

Documentation is available at


Installing GkeyllZero consists of three steps: building dependencies, configuring, and compiling. How you do the first two of these steps varies depending on whether you are installing on a computer we already have installation scripts ("machine files") for, or if you are installing in a new computer. Since the former is the most common we describe that first.

On a known computer using machine files

We provide a set of "machine files" to ease the build process. These are stored in the machines directory. For example, to build on Traverse please run


At this point you may need to manually load environment modules by hand if you haven't done it yet; for example on Traverse and Stellar-amd you need to module load cudatoolkit/11.6 before proceeding. Next, compile the code with:

make -j # install

where # is the number of cores you wish to use (if working on the login node of a cluster it is preferable that you use fewer than the total number of cores available, otherwise you will slow down the login node and irk other users and admins).

The machine files default to installing in $HOME/gkylsoft/, and to searching for dependencies there too. If you wish to install somewhere else you'll need to indicate the install directory in --prefix in both machine files, and make sure the paths to the dependencies are correct in the machines/configure.<machine name>.sh file.

On a new computer (no machine files available)

When installing on your own computer, or on a cluster we don't yet have machine files for, you could choose to build machine files using existing ones as guides, or you could do each step manually. We expand on each of these steps below.

Specifying/building dependencies

GkeyllZero has a few dependencies (e.g. OpenBLAS, SuperLU, MPI (optional)). If you are on a cluster some or all of these libraries are likely already installed. To install dependencies (either all or the ones your cluster doesn't have) use the script in install-deps as follows:

cd install-deps
./ --build-openblas=yes --build-superlu=yes

In this example we opted to build OpenBLAS and SuperLU, assuming neither is available in this new computer. This will install OpenBLAS and SuperLU in the $HOME/gkylsoft directory; in order to install in a different directory one must specify it with --prefix=.

Note that OpenBLAS requires you to have gfortran installed. Likewise, SuperLU requires you to have cmake installed. You are responsible for installing this on your machine. Also keep in mind that on Apple Macs you do not need to do anything special to use LAPACK/BLAS as it comes with the developer tools.


The (optional) configure step is used when we need to specify the use of specific compilers, dependency paths or other options. For example, if a dependency is already available in your computer/cluster, you should use the configure script to specify the location of the include and full path to the static libraries for these dependencies. See configure help.

./configure --help

You can also see machine files in machines/ for examples of how this script is used.


Once you are done with installing/specifying the compiler and dependencies simply type:

 make -j #

in the top-level directory (# is the number of cores, see previous comment on this).

If you do not run configure (see previous section/step) you can also specify the compiler when running make. For example:

 make CC=icc -j #

to build with the Intel C compiler (# is the number of cores, see previous comment on this). If you use the NVIDIA nvcc compiler then the CUDA specific parts of the code will be built:

make CC=nvcc -j #

(# is the number of cores, see previous comment on this).

If you want to use the code as a library (e.g. for use by gkyl) you should install it:

make install

or run compilation and library installation in one step as

make -j # install

Note that GkeyllZero is meant to be used as a library. You can use it to create your own "app" for your particular problem. See that various "app_*.c" files for examples. Full documentation is available on the RTFD website linked above.

In order to test that your installation worked, you can compile one of the unit or regression tests and run it. See instructions for that below.

Developing for GkeyllZero

Built-in tests

GkeyllZero has built in unit (/unit) and regression (/regression) tests that run automatically by our CI system or can be run manually by developers. These tests are not compiled by the simple make command used to compile the code (see previous sections). Instead the developer needs to build specific targets. For example we can build the unit tests for gkyl_array on a CPU with

make build/unit/ctest_array

or build the same unit test on a NVIDIA GPU-accelerated node with

make cuda-build/unit/ctest_array

These produce an executable in the build or cuda-build directory, respectively, that can be run. For example, to run the ctest_array executable we just compiled use


Alternatively you could choose to build all unit tests with

make -j # unit

(# is the number of cores, see previous comment on this). A similar procedure should be followed to compile and run regression tests in /regression. Regression test executables have a number of run-time options which you can list with the -h flag, i.e. <executable> -h.

You may also compile and run all the unit tests with one command:

make -j # check

If you wish to run a regression test from a different directory (e.g. scratch in a cluster), copy the Makefile in the $HOME/gkylsoft/share directory to your desired directory, change rt_twostream for the name of your test there in (best to use search & replace), and run the makefile with make -j #, where # is a responsibly chosen number of cores.

Automatic regression testing

There is also an automatic regression testing system implemented within GkeyllZero, included as part of our larger automatic CI framework, which can be built in serial (for instance, for the moment app) with:

make build/ci/moment_regression

or, in parallel, with (note that the parallel regression system requires you to have built GkeyllZero using CUDA and MPI):

make cuda-build/ci/moment_regression_parallel

and then run with either:




as necessary. By default, running the automatic regression testing system presents the user with an interactive list of numerical options (1 to run the full regression suite, 2 to view all regression results, 3 to run a specific regression test, 4 to view a specific regression result, 5 to (re)generate all accepted results, and 6 to (re)generate a specific accepted result). However, these options can also be passed in as command line arguments, so that:

./build/ci/moment_regression 3 4

will specifically run regression test number 4 in serial, with no additional interaction required from the user. The complete automatic CI framework can be built in a single step using:

make ci

Development philosophy

Out goal is to keep GkeyllZero as simple and dependency free as possible. Some dependencies are unavoidable like MPI and linear algebra libraries. However, we must avoid an exponentially increasing dependency chain. Another goal is that GkeyllZero itself should be pure modern (C99/C11) C. Some parts of the code need C++ (nvcc is a C++ compiler for CUDA) but the core code itself should be in C.

Developing in C (and C++) requires very strong focus and discipline. Please consult for standards documentation for these languages and their libraries. Please use valgrind to make sure all code is "valgrind clean". Pay attention to all compiler warnings.

Most importantly, please internalize and follow the programming philosophy outlined in the document "A Minimalist Approach to Software".