Including additional python libraries for AWS Glue jobs requires them to be packaged in a certain way and uploaded to S3. Use the dockerfiles in this repository to isolate the installation and packaging of these libraries. These files use the pg8000
library as an example, but can be modified to use any *pure*[fn:1] python library.
- Packages libraries into a
file so that they can be used with AWS Glue PySpark jobs. Dockerfile-egg
- Packages libraries into a
file for use with AWS Glue Python shell jobs.
Run the following commands.
# Build the docker image.
docker build -t build_pg8000
# Generate the zip file needed.
docker run --rm --name build_pg8000 -v $PWD/zips:/zips build_pg8000
# Copy the file to S3.
aws s3 cp ./zips/ s3://my-glue-libs/
[fn:1] AWS Glue only supports pure python libraries. So for example, pg8000
works, but psycopg2
does not.