Management AMIMOTO AMI instances by EC2 Systems Manager.
You need to setup EC2 Systems Manager Agent into your AMIMOTO Instances.
You can create SSM docs by cloudformation.
$ CURRENT=$(pwd)
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name YOUR_STACK_NAME --template-body file:///${CURRENT}/ssm_documents.yml
$ aws ssm list-documents --document-filter-list key=Name,value=YOUR_STACK_NAME
"DocumentIdentifiers": [
"Name": "YOUR_STACK_NAME-CustomApplications-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
"PlatformTypes": [
"DocumentVersion": "1",
"DocumentType": "Command",
"Owner": "999999999999",
"SchemaVersion": "1.2"
"PlatformTypes": [
"DocumentVersion": "1",
"DocumentType": "Command",
"Owner": "999999999999",
"SchemaVersion": "1.2"
"PlatformTypes": [
"DocumentVersion": "1",
"DocumentType": "Command",
"Owner": "999999999999",
"SchemaVersion": "1.2"
You need to get Document Name.
Please check List created documents
$ aws ssm send-command --instance-ids YOUR_INSTANCE_ID --document-name SSM_DOCUMENTS_NAME
After running commannds. You can get inventry data.
$ aws ssm list-inventory-entries --instance-id YOUR_INSTANCE_ID --type-name "Custom:NginxSSLDomainList"
$ aws ssm list-inventory-entries --instance-id YOUR_INSTANCE_ID --type-name "Custom:Application"
$ aws ssm list-inventory-entries --instance-id YOUR_INSTANCE_ID --type-name "Custom:WordPressInformations"