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Thore Böckelmann edited this page Oct 11, 2021 · 4 revisions


Super class



Selectgroup objects combine radio buttons and labels or other visible objects into a group of selectable options.

Well known example are the selection for the type of list scrollbars in MUI prefs.

To be acting as a group with fully clickable option items at least one object per option must have MUIA_UserData set to MUIA_Selectgroup_Active. Usually this is done for the Radio button, as this kind of object is able to display the active state by itself.


Object *selButton(void)
  return ImageObject,
    MUIA_Image_Spec, MUII_RadioButton,
    MUIA_Image_FontMatch, TRUE,
    MUIA_ShowSelState, FALSE,
    MUIA_InputMode, MUIV_InputMode_Immediate,
    // this is the important information
    MUIA_UserData, MUIA_Selectgroup_Active,

// create a selection group with 3 options where the full entry (radio button
// plus label) is clickable
Object *selgroup;
selgroup = MUI_NewObject(MUIC_Selectgroup,
  MUIA_Group_Columns, 2,
  Child, selButton(),
  Child, MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_Label, "Option 1", MUIO_Label_LeftAligned),
  Child, selButton(),
  Child, MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_Label, "Option 2", MUIO_Label_LeftAligned),
  Child, selButton(),
  Child, MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_Label, "Option 3", MUIO_Label_LeftAligned),


Attribute Version ISG Type
MUIA_Selectgroup_Active V21 ISG LONG



MUIA_Selectgroup_Active -- V21 [ISG], LONG, 0x80421788


  • MUIV_Selectgroup_Active_Next
  • MUIV_Selectgroup_Active_Prev


This attributes defines the number of the active entry in the selection group. Valid range is from 0 for the first entry to NumEntries-1 for the last.

Setting MUIA_Selectgroup_Active causes the gadget to be updated. On the other hand, when the user plays around with the gadget, MUIA_Selectgroup_Active will always reflect the current state.

Using MUIV_Selectgroup_Active_Next and MUIV_Selectgroup_Active_Prev as attribute value during set causes the gadget to cycle through its entries in the given direction.

Copyright © 1992-2006 by Stefan Stuntz
Copyright © 2006-2021 by Thore Böckelmann, Jens Maus
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Updated: 11-Oct-2021
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