We own the end-to-end Sourcegraph search experience.
Sourcegraph search is:
- Fast: Performance of showing results is fast and I can get to what I’m looking for quickly.
- Scalable: Sourcegraph scales to any private codebase and the size of the open-source universe. Users can trust that the result set is drawn from the entire set of code they care about, and if the result isn't found, it doesn't exist.
- Expressive: It is possible to construct a search query to find exactly the results I’m looking for. The tools, syntax, filters, are provided to construct the queries I want to write. We strive for a search experience where the answer to “Can I do ‘X’ with Sourcegraph?” will always be yes.
- Easy to use: Users can quickly understand how to find what they are looking for and what options are available for searching. The search syntax is clear and intuitive.
- Shareable: Sourcegraph searches are easy to share, and provide team and organization wide value. This in turn creates network effects that compound the value Sourcegraph provides with scale.
See goals and priorities.
The search team plans its work in 2-week iterations.
The goals and updates for current and past iterations can be found in the iteration log.
Iterations start every other Monday.
On the last Friday of an iteration:
- Teammates add the themes they're planning to work on, and the desired outcomes, to the iteration log.
- Teammates add any topics they would like to discuss during the retrospective to the Search team retrospectives document.
On the first Monday of an iteration:
- The team holds its retrospective for the previous iteration.
- The team reviews the iteration plan during the team sync, and kicks off the iteration.
Work log updates:
- Teammates should update the work log for the themes they're working on.
- PR approvals are not required for work log updates.
- Updates should be in prose and communicate progress made and pain points.
- Updates should happen at least twice (in the middle and at the end of the iteration), but may be more frequent if desired.
- The mid-iteration update should contain a forecast for the next week, and whether the remaining planned work is on track to be completed on time.
- The end-of-iteration update should mention whether the planned outcomes were reached or not, and if not, why.
- #search channel or @searchers on Slack.
- @sourcegraph/search team or team/search label on GitHub.
- We're hiring a Product Manager (apply here) for this role. Christina Forney is involved in the meantime.
- Rob Rhyne and Quinn Keast (Product Designers)
- Search core backend {#search-core-backend-eng}
- FQ3 Engineering Manager, Loïc acting manager until then.
- Keegan Carruthers-Smith
- Stefan Hengl
- Ryan Hitchman
- FQ3 backend engineer
- FQ3 Engineering Manager, Loïc acting manager until then.
- Search product {#search-product-eng}
- Loïc Guychard (Engineering Manager)
- Rijnard van Tonder
- Juliana Peña
- Rok Novosel
- Camden Cheek
- FQ2 frontend engineer
- Loïc Guychard (Engineering Manager)